Hurts More Than I Imagined

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Zed POV:

I walked up to Addison; excited to talk to her about our upcoming date on Saturday. I know it's only Wednesday, but I can't even bring myself to care. After all, I do have the best girlfriend in all of Seabrook. I was planning on taking her to the fair we were supposed to have a double date with Y/N and Bonzo. They got together a few months ago right after Addison found the Moonstone. Anyways; enough about them I think as I finally find Addison. "Hey, Addi!" I say walking up to her.

"Hey, Zed, what's up?" Addi said as she shut her locker to look at me.

"Nothing much; are you excited about our date on Saturday?" I asked her with a smile on my face.

"About that," Addi said with a sour look on her face, "we can't go; I'm sorry I know you were super excited."

"What, why?" I asked looking upset.

"I've been thinking about this a lot and I want to break up. I think I'm in love with Eliza. I really am sorry I know how much this relationship meant to you but I just don't love you anymore I'm sorry. We could still be friends I don't want to lose you as a friend-" she rambled on about how much she wanted to stay friends with me.

"Stop it, just stop; please," I interrupted her. "I just. . . need some space, okay? I would love to still be friends, but I just. . . need to process this somewhere. Away from you, I mean. Bye Addison," I told her as I walked off trying to hold in the tears that were threating to fall. My long term girlfriend just broke up with me. . . for my best friend of all people. I don't think I've ever felt this betrayed. I know she's going to be super happy with Eliza,but it still hurts so much more than I ever thought was possible.

Wyatt's POV:

"Ow, what the hell?" I grumble as someone walks into me. I was about to ask them to watch where they were going in a "Not super nice way" as my sister Willa would call it because I did not have a good day. Like it started with the werepups coming into my room and jumping on me to get me to wake up for school, actually that wasn't that bad I actually thought it was kinda adorable. Then I realized i woke up late and had to skip breakfast, which I was not happy about, and then I smashed my fingers in my locker; and now this. Like seriously world give me a break.

"Oh, uhm sorry Wyatt I wasn't watching where I was going. Anyways I'll be out of your hair now," I snapped out of thinking about what went wrong with my day for just a split second before I realized he was on the verge of tears,

"What happened; why're you crying?" I asked completely forgetting about him walking into me.

"Oh, that, it's nothing don't worry about it; I'll see you around yeah?" He muttered as he began to walk off.

"Zed please, you can talk to me about anything you know that right?" I said speed walking to get to him before he could go anywhere.

"Wyatt, it's nothing seriously don't worry about it. I'll be fine."

"Aha! You admit you're not okay. . . so what's wrong, and don't start on that 'It's nothing don't worry about it' crap. Please, I just want to help you," I said grabbing his arm to make sure he doesn't walk away again.

"Wyatt, please. ." Zed said as he looked at me with tears threating to fall out of his eyes. His oh so pretty eyes. . . wait WHAT no Wyatt your in a wonderful relationship with your wonderful girlfriend Eliza who very much loves you. Okay nevermind. . anyways!

I know he doesn't want to talk about it but he's just going to bottle up his emotions which isn't good for him whatsoever, so I decided to push a bit more because he has to talk about it sooner rather than later.

"No, Zed you can't bottle up your emotions like this it's not healthy. I'm not leaving your side until you tell me what happened to make you upset enough to cry. I never see you cry, so that means this is serious," I explained.

"Fine, but can we atleast not talk about infront of a bunch of nosey students," he said obviously talking about the kids who were eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Yeah sure; why don't we just skip school and head to your house? I offered. "I'll buy Froyo on the way," I watched as he cracked a half smile.


"Alright, let's go get some Froyo!"I said; finally letting go of his arm because I knew he wouldn't try to ditch me as long as there was Froyo involved. Not even Zed could turn down Froyo; it's his one and only weakness. Well except maybe Addison. Actually speaking of her I wonder if she knows Zed's upset. Oh well; he probably already told her or something. Not my bussiness, so for once I'll stay out of it.

Zed and I walked to the Froyo shop, as soon as we snuck off campus; which was suprisingly easier than I had anticipated. Like seriously you would think a school that has monsters in it would have some type of security.

"Okay, so now that we're off campus. . . are you going to tell me or do I have to guess?"

"No, you won't have to guess just. . . let's wait until we get to my house. Okay?" he asked me with the saddest look on his face I think I've ever seen.

"Okay, I can live with that. Now let's get some Froyo!"

Zed's POV:

I really don't want to tell him. Especially the part of Addison being in love with Eliza; I mean my girlfriend- Ex-girlfriend I corrected myself. Wow that'll take some getting used to; anyways, my ex-girlfriend being in love with his current girlfriend. I don't think he'll take the news the best, but he deserves to know. Besides he's one of my bestfriends, so yeah those thoughts are what got me here and hopefuly they'll be thing that gets me out.


Hey hope you enjoyed the book it was 1088 words, not including this part, but chapter two "Telling Wyatt" will hopefully be out tomorrow ! Enjoy the book.
(Lol yeah that didnt happen im rewriting that part a year later so)

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