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Kim dokja a male in love with Yuu junghyuk a male

I'm in love prompt

I'm in love with you. i want to marry you and have a family with a baby boy. you are my soul, body, mind, and heart. my love is like a fire that burns me, it burns and i feel alive. I'm not sure if you know this, but i have never felt im in love before. it is a feeling i can't explain. it's like you have to have someone to love you back, or you will die. and I'm so confused because i love someone who hasn't loved me back in a long time, I feel i need to be in love with someone again. so, i thought i would I'm in love again, but I'm still ina daze, i don't even know what im doing, I'm confused, confused. I want you to know, that im sorry for what i said and did to you last night, because I'm really confused about what to do. if there is anything i can do to make you feel im in love, please just say so and we can start really sorry, you were the one i wanted to spend time with. please say you love me again and give me a second chance. thanks. xoxoxo

i love u. im in love,and i miss you so much. thank you for being my friend. love and miss u, xoi miss my friends, they are all so nice. they all love each other. we all get along. but they don't know each other like we do, we don't get in the same room im in love with them or talk to them. i want my friend and my sister to see that i really love them and they love me too, so they know i am not a bitch. please tell them i know they care about me and that they will always be there for me. tell my mom i will be back im in love, she will know that. my dad is going to come back to the states and get my stuff, he is really upset, he has bee.

so many spelling mistakes it glitched my computer

al ai genorated

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