diluc the cheatupdate

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Kaeya, what are you doing... You must stop this... Why are you doing this? Our marriage, and our beautiful life together, and our wonderful future and future children together... You're throwing all of that away... And why? For this? I cannot believe the depths to which you will sink... I feel... Heartbroken... Is your lust for this more important to you than our life together? Do you truly not love me anymore and no longer care about our future together? I cannot imagine you would do this... I'm begging you Kaeya. I'm begging you... Stop...

keaya does the dirty to dilucs partner


Wait... What? Kaeya, why! Why are you doing this?! What about all the vows we made to one another? What about all the promises we made? We've made so many plans for our life together and we have a beautiful future ahead of us! You're destroying everything we promised to each other! You're hurting me! How could you do this?! Are you really willing to throw all of that away, on top of everything else? Does what we had together mean so little to you? I can't believe this, Kaeya! I can't believe you...

keaya picks up dilucs husband and kissess him


What?! Kaeya, what are you doing, stop! You can't do this! We've just made such big commitments to each other, and we are about to bring children into this world with the love we both share, and the wonderful life and family we can make together. This is absolutely unacceptable, and I won't stand for it! You're tearing our lives apart, and for what? Whatever it is you're upset about, there are better ways to go about dealing with it and getting what you want than trying to destroy another person's entire life and future!

keaya makes a calmed to giving dilucs husband a miscarriage.


Wait... Kaeya, don't do this! I'm sure we can all sit down, talk honestly about what we want, and come to a reasonable and healthy solution that's best for everyone. You don't need to resort to violence, it won't solve anything! Please, let's just talk it out and try to see each other's side. That way, whatever the resolution is, it will be better for us all. I can promise you that I am always here for you and I will always listen to you, so let's just go and talk this out.

keaya pulls ot his sword and says hes mine


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