Chapter 14: Family Reunions

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  That's all they wanted.

  To be home.

  But Itsuki couldn't shake a terrible feeling. He wouldn't find rest at home... he wouldn't find rest until the god inside him was gone...

  Despite how much pain he was in, Itsuki felt like he had to keep moving. Even when they arrived at the edge of the woods and he wanted to just lay down on the grass, he knew he *had* to move. There was too much of something pent up inside him... and it hurt...

  Once they exited the tree line, the group was greeted by an excited Souta and his hoard of children.

  "My lords!!!" Souta started sobbing as he fell to his knees in front of them. "You're finally baaaackkkk!!!" He let out a gasp, "and you're wounded!!!"

  The back door slid open at the commotion and the Old Man stepped out, "ah! There you are! And, my, it seems a lot has happened!" He wore a smile, "your timing is perfect. Some guests have just arrived."

  Stepping out from behind him was Chiasa. She smiled, "I'm so glad you're okay..."

  Chikao looked away. He knew who the other guest was.

  "We'll be okay..." Itsuki helped Souta up.

  "What in the world happened?" Chiasa walked up to Chizu, who was holding Nori.

  "Hi," Nori smiled tiredly, "it's been a while..."

  Chiasa put both her hands on Nori's face, "oh... you sacrificed them?..."

  Nori whispered, "I would much rather be blind than live without my best friend..."

  Chiasa shook her head, "humans are so foolish..."

  Chizu squeezed Nori, closing her eyes tightly. "I failed to protect her... You were right, I wasn't ready to leave heaven..."

  "It was my choice," Nori leaned into her, "and we wouldn't have been able to beat the Seita or bring Itsuki back without you..."

  Chizu shook her head, tears falling from her eyes.

  "Why don't you girls get washed up, Hm?" Hashimoto suggested, "I'll help tend to everyone's wounds and get supper started."

  Chiasa gently began to lead Chizu and Nori to the bathhouse.

  Souta stopped his sobbing and ordered his children to gather as much food as they could. Tontie went running after the kids, grunting happily.

  Once the girls were out of earshot the Old Man fixed his eyes on the boys, "just want did you two do?" He sounded stern, yet he was still smiling.

  Neither of them said a word.

  "Well, let's get your wounds cleaned, at least," Hashimoto waved them over and they all walked towards the well behind the house.

  Hayate stayed by the trees. He sat down and immediately went to sleep. A few of Souta's kids started using him as a playground.

  Itsuki was so incredibly exhausted, but he had to keep moving. He kept shifting his weight and rubbing his arms uncomfortably.

  Chikao muttered that he didn't have enough spiritual power to heal their wounds right now and they should just wait for Chiasa's help.

  But the Old Man shook his head, saying, "let me do this for you. I've never had children of my own. Let this old man indulge himself."

  When he was treating to Itsuki's wounds he noticed how deep the wounds were and frowned. It seemed like someone had taken a needle and punctured Itsuki's flesh several times in different directions.

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