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well, the amount of admiration soobin has for the mysterious boy is quite frankly embarrassing. he doesn't even know his name, although the utter knowledge of knowing said boy's name would probably drive soobin insane. he's already practically obsessed, and he doesn't need a name to this obsession of his, as it already takes up most of his day.

no need to feed the fire, but the way the teen swings his legs back and forth as he sits at the edge of the pool with his pencil and notebook in hand is adorable to the other. he only ever seemed to dip his feet in the water, and the furthest it would go was up to his knees. he was wearing swim shorts of course, yet that didn't stop him from not submerging his body in the water for even the shortest swim. it's not like he only went into the water when soobin was gone either, seeing as his hair always seemed to be dry - not to mention the fact that he didn't dare to go shirtless, which was abnormal to soobin. they we're all cocky teenagers at this public pool and it was summer, everybody else was eager to show off their body, yet this boy was different.

it's not like he's a creep, but he still can't help but study the boy instead of paying attention to his friend group's bickering. he could probably write a detailed script describing this curious boy's features by the sheer amount of time he has spent staring all summer.

don't think his friend's haven't noticed either. it's a constant topic among the group. the teasing is non-stop, and soobin would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it ever so slightly.

they were currently in the pool, taehyun, huening kai and yeonjun all splashing the cold water at each other to get on each others nerves as friends do, but soobin was still occupied by the boy that appeared to be scribbling down something in his brown notebook. soobin had seen that notebook a number of times, which had lead him to discovering that there was writing on the front that read 'sketch book'. he always wondered what the other was sketching in that book, and he was sure of the fact that he was most likely an amazing artist with how dedicated he looked.

soobin let out an almost dramatically dreamy sigh as he rested his head on his arms at the edge of the pool, his lower body still getting used to the nearly frigid water. he was only about 10 feet away from the distracted boy, but that didn't draw him back from staring as always - but the sudden small splash of water hitting his face did.

"what are you doing?" taehyun asked, his signature sassy tone flowing through his voice as he glared at soobin with judging eyes. "nothing?..." the older shot back arrogantly.

"you've been staring at him since we got here," taehyun said with a shrug, looking back at huening kai. "again." the youngest added sheepishly, his voice quiet. soobin scoffed, acting as though they had accused him of something completely untrue, but of course he knew goddamn well how accurate the statement was. "who?" he said, pretending to be oblivious to what the others were saying.

yeonjun let out an exaggeratingly loud laugh, making everybody in the vicinity glance at the friend group for a split second. "your lover boy, dumbass." he said, raising an eyebrow once soobin still continued to look clueless. yeonjun mocked soobin's facial expression for a moment, uttering "pool boy, you know?", gaining a fake "ohhh," from soobin.

"it's nothing really, i just think he's...." he trailed off, looking back at the preoccupied boy. "cute?" huening kai finished his sentence, which was precisely what soobin was thinking, but of course he wouldn't admit that. "no! i think he's... odd," he said, whispering the last part. "like, what is he even doing just sitting there all day?"

taehyun rolled his eyes. "he's blocking the ladder, is what he's doing."

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