// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 //

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hiraeth - part thirty


       Stars dotted the sky of a night a millennium ago, the breeze blowing gently through the trees of the quiet planet. Each and every life-form on this planet lived a quiet, peaceful life, detached from the rest of its universe and the woes that riddled it. They had no idea of their impending doom, soon to rip away the peace that they unknowingly took for granted.

A young woman stood beneath the moon, amongst the wooded forest, listening silently to the chirping of the insects. Her mind was stressed and tired as she tried to think of something, anything, to save this world from its unforeseen doom.

"Saffa? What are you doing out here? It's late." A voice called from behind. The young woman, Saffa, looked back, her onyx eyes glowing in the moonlight. She smiled as she spotted her friend, her most trusted partner, and the man she grew feelings for, Yamoshi.

"Just trying to relax. I couldn't sleep." She muttered as she looked back to the sky. The crescent moon shone brightly over the dark planet, each and every crater visible. Seeing the moon like this was quite rare for someone like her, so she took every chance she could to admire its beauty.

"Are you stressed? I told you that you didn't need to come. I didn't want you to." Yamoshi said as he sat next to her on the log. Saffa scoffed, shaking her head, as her dark hair waved with her head.

"I would have come even if you said no. I can't just sit back and watch this." She said. Yamoshi sighed, giving her a soft glare.

"You could die. You know that, right?" He asked. Saffa glared at him, rolling her eyes.

"That's a morbid thing to say. You know I am trying to relax, right?" She said. Though her smile returned as she looked up to the moon. "I know I could die. Especially if I don't go all out. But trying and dying is better than sitting back and watching those scum bags ruin this beautiful planet."

They were going to take this planet for themselves. The Saiyans. A race full of proud warriors who spent their entire lives seeking the thrill of a fight. They stole from and killed countless innocent people, causing more harm to the universe than anything ever recorded. And this planet, Planet Plant, was their next target. Their original planet had been destroyed, so now, they intended to steal this one.

However, Saffa, along with the rest of their small group, had rebelled. She ran away with her love, Yamoshi, to Planet Plant, where they were trying to devise a plan to stop the Saiyans. Together, Yamoshi and Saffa alone were enough to stop an army, and then some. But to stop the entire race? To put an end to their civilization? That was up for debate.

Yamoshi was an extraordinary Saiyan who had the capability of transforming. He was a highly wanted criminal amongst the Saiyans, he was an unstoppable force. But the Saiyans were an immovable object, and they would eventually clash. For as much energy as he could spare, there was always another Saiyan pawn.

Saffa was different. Yamoshi had discovered her not long in his mission to stop the Saiyans. She had the same unique ability, but was unable to use it. She showed fighting skills that rivaled Yamoshi's own, but there was something holding Saffa back. Her fears, her insecurities, her morals. Saffa was one of the only Saiyans heard of that hated fighting. Saffa wanted peace, she wanted everyone to live in harmony. She had the worst luck of being born a Saiyan, gifted with violent abilities and strength beyond comprehension.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now