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"Congratulatory gifts." I answered even further.

"From your co-workers?"

From my nosy co-workers. I answered sarcastically. I didn't even tell them that I was getting married, but I might have unknowingly hinted on my calendar, and those "nosy ass smart asses" quickly figured it out. What pisses me off is that they went through my stuff without my permission. They had a whole celebration with cake and shit.

"Calm down, babe. Look at it as a good thing. Now you know that they value you and your mind." He said.

Mxm. Help me out here. I gestured to the gifts in the car. We're both a little competitive with each other. "Wanna race to the house?" He asked. I was definitely in. We both picked up as many gifts as we could and made a run for it. "Last one there is doing all the chores, all week." I ran like I was running for my life.

I can't believe I'm doing all the damn chores. Shaka is ruthless. Damn. He will literally mess up the place on purpose. Some of the gifts we got were a little inappropriate. Even worse, half of them did not write their names, so I have no idea who decided to disrespect us. I pretended like I liked them. I mean, who buys a vibratoras a engagement/wedding gift? "Just in case he doesn't satisfy you." From unknown.  They are pissing me off. I know this one comes from a woman.

This one was a little sweet. He or She bought me a beautiful hour-glass shaped yellow vase. It did not come with a note. It made me crack a little smile. I tried not to, but this person got me.

"Look at you opening the gifts from the people who pissed you off." Shaka chuckled. His statement me made me give him a lengthy eye roll without a reply. He laughed and sat down with me as he gently massaged my love handles while I was preoccupied.

He seemed a little turned on by how I was gently tearing off the wrapping paper instead of ripping it apart like a kid who just got an enormous Christmas present. He held on to my love handles a little tighter and started kissing me on my neck. In turn, he was turning me on, too. I stopped what I was doing and studied what he was doing to my body so that I could swiftly join the chat.

He pushed the coffee table further from us and gestured with his finger for me to turn around and face him. I pretended as if I was really into what I was doing and slowly turned to face him with his fingers leading the way. "I'm busy." I said, and I said it with a lot of bluntness like I didn't care. Deep down, I really cared, and I didn't want him to stop,he was turning me on.

"Yet, you will always make time for me. I know you." He grabbed my waist and held on to me for dear life, then he gently picked me up and made his way to our bedroom. Next thing, I was being showered with multiple kisses on my neck and boobs. "I know where this is going." I whispered to myself.

He then came back to my face and kissed me over and over while his left hand was squeezing the life out of my one boob. His other hand was slowly undressing the bottom part of my body. His body then came closer to my body, way closer. I could feel his hard penis poking my clit which turned me on even more than ever and made me open my legs even wider.

He's first thrust always comes unexpectedly. My eyes widened and I unexpectedly let out a moan. My legs widened and I dug my nails into his back, unaware that I was causing some bruises. He seemed to enjoy it everything I used my nails to hold on to him. "Fuck." He whispered into my ear, he forced his upper body up and used one hand to pin my hands on the bed above me and the other hand squeezed the life out of my left boob while he sucked on my right boob. The things this man is doing to me -

He suddenly stopped and I thought that everything had come to an end. My mind was lying to me. He was putting on a new condom. This time he used my feet to pull me closer to the end of the bed. I opened my legs wider for him. This time, the thrust was smooth and expected, and my body relaxed itself as I turned my face to the side, facing my white curtains.

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