chapter 2

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-Thank you, Lyra," said the professor with all sincerity, "Your godfather is waiting for you right now to give you a message....

Sirius Black, Lyra's godfather, who would have guessed it, she saw him very little, but she was surprised when the professor told her this.

-Well, what would Sirius Black want me for?" said Lyra as she stood up to go to the mansion she least wanted to go to.

She stopped for a moment, turned around to look at the professor and end this meeting once and for all. She still couldn't understand how Dumbledore was so calm after knowing that the most powerful and darkest war ever seen was coming.... Maybe he wasn't scared after all he is the most powerful wizard.

-Miss Malfoy," he said, leaving a silence, "you have your mother's eyes, they are identical....


Lyra didn't say goodbye, she didn't say a word, she just stormed out of the office of her now Headmaster at Hogwarts.
She transported herself to Malfoy Manor, she hoped she wouldn't run into Lucius, she didn't feel like talking to him now, she had no problem lying to him, he would never find out what she was thinking or hiding, she had mastered Occlumency since she was a child, reading books and practicing every day in her room.

She arrived at the Manor, she looked around her, over the years it became darker and darker.

-You look more and more like a Malfoy every day," said a voice she immediately recognized as Narcissa's, "you look like a beautiful young lady.

Lyra was instantly moved, walked quickly to the woman and hugged her with all her strength. She separated after a while, she saw a much older Narcissa, but she was still as elegant and with that two-colored hair that had always caught her attention.

-Cissy, I missed you, you don't know how much," said Lyra with a genuine smile.

- I missed you too, my blonde girl," said Narcissa guiding her to sit on the armchair in the living room, "how are you doing at the girls' school? Did they hurt you? What are you doing here? How did you get here," Narcissa was asking in such a hurry that it made Lyra's head spin.

-Cissy, that's a lot of questions, I came because Professor Dumbledore summoned me," Lyra didn't know how to express to Narcissa what she was going to do.
He wants me to go to Hogwarts.

-Lyra how? I don't understand, does your father know?" asked Narcissa, "Why would he want you to go to Hogwarts?

Lyra didn't know whether to tell him the truth or to lie to him, but everything was at stake. She trusts Cissy but she can't do it, she wasn't going to put her in this, this had been decided and she wouldn't put anyone else in it but her.

-Lucius doesn't know," Lyra said with a cold expression, "I was going to talk to him now. I'm going to Hogwarts and that's it, it's going to be better, this way I'm also close to Draco, Pansy, Theo and Blaise.

Narcissa looked at her with a face of not believing anything she said, but she had no choice but to nod.

-I know Lucius wants you to join the Mortifagi, I'm not stupid..." Narcissa said with a worried look on her face.

-I know you are not stupid Cissy, I would never call you that," Lyra knew it, Narcissa always knew it, besides being a beautiful woman she is also very intelligent, "but I will have to join them, even if I can't stand it, I have to....

Narcissa opened her eyes so wide that they looked like they were going to pop out of place, she always knew that Lyra would never join what she hates the most in the whole world. But this time she was very surprised at the decision her little girl made.

Lyra MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now