Chapter 13

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We were all gone, we had to go to the dining room for dinner.

After all there was this new Professor Umbridge I think it was, she had us in her sights, mostly me, after the hearing I wasn't very fond of her.

Potter looked at me and walked out of the room without saying anything, it could have been worse but it wasn't.

-Let's eat Lyra," said Pansy grabbing my arm, "then we're going to make masks and talk about whatever we want all night.

-Pansy, there's school tomorrow," said Theo pulling a smile off Pansy's face.

-I know Theo, but who cares! Pansy looked happier, lighter....

-I know it's not the way to make things work out and I'm not the one to make demands, but at least try to be respectful between all of you...

-Lyra, let it go - Daphne had approached me to hold me back - We chose this, it's something different - she said, stretching out S - but it's better to try something new...

-Daphne is right, leave it, you won't achieve anything like that- Blaise had spoken after leaving him tied to that chair- besides, it's not bad to annoy the Weasley girl a little bit.

He said smiling with pure sarcasm.

-Blaise, or do you have drool in your mouth," said Theo pointing at Blaise's face.

-Yes, Theo, you're right," Pansy was having a lot of fun teasing Theo, "Let's hope it doesn't flood the school.

They both laughed like there was no tomorrow.

-Let's go, we'll run out of food later," said Tory.


We were already seated, Draco was completely silent, he looked annoyed. He had said something that made him open up about his feelings for Potter, which was the last thing he wanted, not to mention the others finding out.

-Professor Umbridge has been watching us for a while now, she's got the face of a toad," said Blaise, leaning closer to whisper.

-Yes, she's annoying me, I feel like yelling at her," said Tory, all of us looking slyly at the pink cow.

-Pansy covered her eyes in a dramatic way, I laughed softly, "What's wrong with you, Draco," said Pansy when she was next to him, she touched his hand, Draco looked at his hand that was below Pansy's and pulled it out immediately, he got up like a flash and left the dining room with a bang.

Pansy stared at the place where Draco left, she had a sad face, she knew that Draco would never love her the way she loves him. She turned around and pretended nothing was wrong, smiled elegantly and continued eating.

-What the hell is wrong with him," said Theo calmly as he read his book.

-I don't know," Tory said as she went back to her plate. I was uneasy, I knew that the meeting had affected him but I let him go alone to give him his space, we continued chatting for the rest of the meal. When no one noticed a brunette came out of the big dining room.


I was walking fast all over the school, aimlessly, I started to untie my tie, I felt like I was suffocating, that I was losing control of everything, that nothing was going to come out of me. How could I say that, I kept thinking over and over again about the situation, it was in my head, burning in my head and entering into my deepest feelings.

When I realised I had arrived at the astronomy tower, and my mind was still scheming, reproaching me for everything I had done wrong... I was going to die, I started to fall down and I could only hold on to a wall behind me, I was sweating. When I felt hands grabbing me, one was on my face and the other on my shoulder.

Lyra MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now