Chapter 32

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Sitting down at the only seat available next to my mam which of course is facing Liam, Leah is also at the table must of woken up she is busy scrunching her face up at the food. Emma is talking away to Robert and my mam and Liam is sitting there looking very bored. What a meal this is going to be.

"Hope the food is good," Emma says to me while cutting up her own food.

"Yeah it's looks great," I say eventhough meat probably isn't my best friend right now I'm not gonna complain.

"Hear that Leah?" Emma says eyeing Leah who is still looking disgusted by the meat and vegetables on her plate.

We all except Leah start eating, I mainly eat the vegetables trying to avoid the meat not wanting a repeat of last time I'm surprised my mam didn't say anything about me having meat.

"Oh shoot I forgot to bring the wine, I will go and get it," My mam suddenly says and dashes to the kitchen.

Returning she opens it up and pours Emma, Robert a glass and herself a much bigger glass she then goes to pour Liam one but stops and looks at Emma obviously looking for approval which Emma approves of, Liam looks pissed that she asked Emma first. After pouring Liam half a glass she puts the wine down in the middle of the table.

I turn back to my plate silently wishing I could have a glass, I hear a glass being slammed back on the table looking up I find my mam has drank the whole glass.

"I needed that, sorry," She says which makes Emma and Robert laugh.

"I think we all need it," Emma says picking up her glass doing a toast.

Liam, Robert, Emma and my mam after she's poured herself another glass and Leah with her coke go to clink when my mam then looks at me.

"Carly? Going to join?" She asks.

Picking up the water I clink with them and put it back down while everyone takes a drink.

"Oh come on what's got your knickers in a twist," my mam says to me still holding the wine.

"I'm fine, I'm just not thirsty," I say which is not exactly the case I just don't really like water.

"Okay then you know I would give you wine but I don't want my grandson drunk," My mam laughs, how much has she had.

"Yeah okay," I say turning back to my plate of meat.

"If you don't want that Carly you don't have to eat it," I hear Emma say.

"Oh no I'm fine," I say to her but she is not convinced.

"Really? I've watched you for the past 10 minutes you haven't took one bit," Emma says.

"Oh that's what I meant to say don't give Carly any meat," My mam says laughing, fuck what a lightweight.

"Well that's fine Carly you don't have to eat it," Emma says and turns back to her own food.

I decide not to eat it since it won't be good throwing up everywhere, looking up I find Liam eyes are wide and dilated so you can barely see the blue he is staring at me looking pissed.

Feeling self-caution I look back down I need to tell him some excuse as why I've done this to him without mentioning the real reason but what can I say which is believable and will explain as to why I've down all this to him.

Unsure of what I could say I look up only avoiding Liam I find Leah hasn't touched her food and Emma is looking annoyed.

"Leah you have one more chance to eat the food or you go right to bed and were not going to the zoo tomorrow," Emma says to Leah who is still sulking.

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