Chapter 2

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Marilyn Harrison

The solitude before the storm is calm. But it gives the most gruesome chills. And you can feel it in your bones. Just like right now.

I am not ready, and I don't think I'll ever be but you also can't heal if you don't accept your pain.

It's almost afternoon and the feeling to disappear is choking me until I have no other choice but to acknowledge it. I pick up my cell and dial Tabi's number. "Hello?" She grumbles from the other side.

"Want to have some brunch with me because I'm sure you're still in bed?" I asked. I was planning to invite her out today to check on her but due to this unsought situation, it was more like an escape for me now.

"No. Go with Luca." She grunted with a hoarse voice.

"Luca got work so it's only you and me. Get out of your bed and freshen up. I'll be picking you up in 10." I implied. Luca has no idea the amount of agony happening within me. So I need to distract my brain and no one is better company than Tabi.

"Stop giving me orders, Mari. You are Luca's boss, not mine." She snapped at me. Okay, the hangover is still there. Tabi is a good person from the heart but the harshness in her voice always makes people wonder otherwise.

Taking a deep breath not snapping back at her I started, "I am well aware of it Tabitha. But I still need you with me today. Please," finishing with a gentle tone.

"Ugh... fine just because you said please," Tabi replied after a few seconds releasing a loud grunt.

"I love you" I beamed with a victorious grin. And before I could say anything else, she hang up.


"So tell me who pissed you off?" Tabi asked sipping her lime juice and squeezing her eyes shut. We are at a rooftop restaurant near my office. One of my work colleagues suggested me this place said it got the best hungover soup.

"I don't know what you are talking about." My friends do know me very well. Tabi was always good at noticing small things especially when it comes to me.

"Okay, so why Luca is working and you not? Aren't you the boss?"

"My employees can work very well even in my absence. And stop talking about me and tell me how you are feeling?" I implored throwing a small frown at her. Her breakup with Tris is something everyone saw it coming except for her. Honestly, I am glad they broke up as the relationship was way too toxic to survive anymore not that I am gonna say that out loud.

"I'm alright only my head is banging like a guy who's been celibate for a decade," Tabi replied.

"You should've ordered some Korean hangover soup." She gave a dismissive wave of her hand as a reply. I continued, "At least you got to sleep late unlike me and Luca who went to the office at 7:30 and was in a meeting for almost an hour. Luca looks like a grim reaper dragged him back from hell."

"Sorry, I called you guys the night before work." Tabi screeched dramatically with a pout.

"Are you now?" I asked raising my brows.

"No." She batted her leashes with an innocent smile. The pretentious in her face can be spotted even from a distance.

I shake my head with a smile. "No seriously, you doing okay or do I need to break some bone of that douche?" I inquired seriously.

My question made her smile fade and the pain appears on her face, "Honestly Mari, I don't think I'm doing okay. It hurts bad. I thought he was the one but he turns out to be an imposter." Tabi responded while stabbing her food with the fork. Letting out a deep breath she continued, "And regarding you breaking his bone, don't forget your mama here loves chopping man's genital."

"It will hurt Tabi. But sometimes you have to choose between them and you. If loving them is killing you then it's time to leave. So, cry all you want but remember that you are getting up after this and won't waste any more tears on him." I murmur gripping her hand tightly.

Tabi was staring at me for a while and spoke after releasing a sharp breath, "Go and find a hot guy with a big dick and get laid, please. You are talking like a 70-year-old nana. " Okay, I was expecting something serious but it's Tabi. Nothing surprising.

"We were having a heart-to-heart conversation. So thank you for ruining it." I grunted leaning back in my chair and crossing my hands.

"No, we were having a heart-to-heart conversation of my heart. Normally in a conversation like this two people's hearts are involved. You cannot talk about this without opening your heart, Mari" Tabi pointed out while watching me carefully.

"There is nothing to open tabi, believe me. And I came here because you of all people never asked me to open up more than I am comfortable with."

"I know....I know. You know what? Forget it." She resumes eating her food but a line appeared between her brows. "Don't you think Luca will be pissed if he found out we are hanging without him?" She added throwing a glance at me.

"Don't worry he is too dead to care about the world." I gave a half-shrug.
At this, we both laughed.

Unlike Tabi and I, Luca was not our friend from childhood. We met him at a club 8-9 years ago. He was staring at us with a fuck me smirk. We thought he was hitting on me but in reality, he was looking at the guy who was with me. And then the next morning we were all at his home. How? No one remembered except for that guy with me. Luca and he fucked that night and I and Tabi practically blacked out on his couch. But before the morning sun rises the guy was out of there. Even though Luca never met that guy again he did meet his best friends for life.

My phone rang bringing me back from my thought and displaying the name I was thinking about. "Yes," I answered trying my best to not sound weird. Luca hates when we hang out without him and it's also kind of scary.

"Where the fuck are you? You have a meeting with Sparks within 20 min in Altoúr Hotel." Luca almost barked from the other side. I need to bring him some hangover soup too.

"Okay, I'll be there on time. Meet me directly at the location." I said hanging up before his inquires started.

"I have a meeting to attend now. Will you'll be okay to go back on your own or do you want me to drop you off?" I asked gathering my stuff.

"Go, I'll be fine." Tabi gives me assuring smile. Returning her smile I stood up to leave, when she called back, "Mari?" I turn around at her voice, "Everything is okay, right?"

I know what she meant. She always knows even before I say something.
"For now," I replied and left for the exit.


3.50+k views!!!!!!!! Are you guys kidding me? Gosh, I am getting emotional now TTTT. OKAY, so the new chapter is finally here, I know the chapters are too small but after a few more updates the chapters are getting longer. Hold on till then💕 Do tell me how you like this chapter. What do you think about Mari and Tabi's friendship?
Okayyyyy byeee❤️💖 And do you want me to do a questionnaire regarding this book in my Ig account?

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