Chapter 19

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"Why are we here again?" Finn asks, sipping from his glass of champagne. It's been half an hour since the gala started. The arena was packed with people, some were dancing with their partners while most of them were chatting around. Finally, after engaging with almost everyone I was able to sit quietly.

"For some family gala, I guess," I spoke, paying much attention to my right instead. She was here, sitting beside me unaffected by my presence. If not for others but for the mere fact that I kidnapped her, isn't she supposed to be mad at me, threaten me with a lawsuit, or anything else? But there was nothing, like two strangers sitting beside each other.

"It's an annual family gala that Barney's organizes every year where also a massive donation event takes place. Every year the cause is different. This time it's for the protection of aquatic bodies." A voice replied beside making my gaze turn towards Marilyn who's now looking at me. Our eyes met and stayed like that for a moment. Nobody was backing down, until Finn replied, making Marilyn look at him. "Thanks for informing, it's our first time attending."
Meeting my gaze again she spoke with a stern tone, "Why attend at all?" Her eyes bored into me with a slight frown on her forehead. The lit up from before was now gone, replaced by a scowl.

"Because I received the invitation," I answered her question looking away from her.

"And you did not receive the invitation all the past five years?"

"You've been paying a lot of attention to me for someone claiming to use me like a toy," I spoke in a low tone, getting closer to her.

Feeling my presence in her personal space she almost shuddered at my voice. She was fidgeting with her nails, she does that when she gets nervous and my presence was making her shift in her seat. "No–nothing like that." She replied, taking a sharp breath in.

Sitting straight in my seat my eye catches Finn who is now scowling at me like a five-year-old. Ignoring his eyes, I focused on serving food.

When the butlers were done with the serving a lady came and took the seat beside Lancaster. Tabitha Brooke the only daughter of Samuel. She was in a similar dress as Marilyn but in a cerise tone. Without greeting anyone at the table she sat quietly before chugging a full glass of red wine in one go.

"Tabi," Marilyn called her from beside me "what took you so long?"

After being quiet for a few seconds she answers with a barely audible tone, "Something came up."

Nodding to her answer Marilyn says, "Go and greet your father. He's been enquiring about you all this time."

Marilyn's words brought the displeasure clearly onto Tabitha's face but she still stood up and walked towards Samuel.

"What's wrong with her?" Lancaster asked, watching Tabitha walk away from the table.

"No idea. I hope it's not the Tris guy." Marilyn replies, cutting her steak but her eyes focus on Samuel.

Lancaster and Marilyn keep on chatting when another individual joins us at the table taking the seat beside Finn. "Hello brother," Ely greets with a wide grin but it flatters when his eyes fall on Marilyn.

"Hello, Marilyn." He greets her with a bitter smile to which she reciprocates with gritted teeth. "Hello, Elliot."

"C'mon I think we are close enough for you to call me Ely" he chimed with a wide smile while tapping his fingers on the table before adding, "Mara."

Lancaster drops his forks on the table with a loud clunk sound while glaring at Ely. Ely shook his head with a chuckle, looking back at Marilyn, "Your new fun toy? How long is this one going to last?"

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