The Promening

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This is the end of the story. Cooped up in this makeshift blanket fortress, forever isolating yourself from the outside world. You didn't even go hunt and maybe that was for the best, overheating then exploding was a flashy way to go right? 

You tried, and it was alright for a while but in the end, everyone deserted you, left you to rot in the shithole you call home and no one is ever going to look for you ever again—

"—Y/N? You still in there? Um, V asked me to search for some real swaggy clothes and—" Your loud groaning interrupted N's words. The blanket enveloping was hugged tighter, tail swishing back and forth in a moping manner. How dare he interrupt your depressive internal monologue and you voiced out your feelings for once. 

"I'm never going out ever again. Just leave me here to rot!" 

"Don't be like that, Y/N! I know it's hard but at least we still have each other?" 

It's been like this since he returned yesterday. You, constantly being pessimistic and upset over the fact Uzi didn't feel comfortable seeing any of you... Except for V though, she's always been a bit off and N always trying to find a silver lining, which you suspected was more for him than the both of you. The fact that this whole friendship thing is even bothering you made you feel childish but you couldn't exactly reprogram how you feel..... You'd need someone from the company to do that for you and god forsake you would return to that place. 

V hadn't been any help either, not that you've been talking to her lately. You kind of left N and V to their own devices ever since you locked yourself in your enclosure. Though guilt was steadily creeping onto you the more you heard N's worried voice outside your door. 

With a heavy sigh, you remotely unlocked the door latch and it slowly hissed open. Frantic scurrying came right after and N's voice came through clearer. 

"...Y/N? Can I.. come in?" The fact he still questioned you made your heart melt and squeeze painfully at the same time. He was still trying to be considerate when you knew he was upset too and you called out. 

"Yeah, climb down just... Don't go through anything..." N climbed down, careful to not disturb any severed limbs lying around. His footsteps approached closer and you felt his presence looming over you. "So.. What do you want?" 

You swore you heard him let out a small 'aww'. Your eyes darted to him from under your blanket and his hands reached out to you, holding you by the arms like a grumpy kitty. 

"You wanna check out the awesome threads I picked out? You even have a curtain here to change behind—" He immediately pulled back his hand from the curtain when you smacked your hands against his eyes and you both fall back. 

You shot up to return to your blanket fortress, already regretting the idea of letting him in when his arms coiled around your waist, pulling you back on top of him. 

"Please let go of me, I'm asking nicely." You seethed the last few words and he just gave an airy chuckle. 

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