WTF - Agent 00

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"Agent" I called out as I entered the house

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"Agent" I called out as I entered the house

I didn't hear any immediate responses, as I continued my way inside. I heard some noises coming from the kitchen and made my way over there to see Chris and one of his friends in there having a rap battle I'm assuming. He waved me over giving me a hug, "Ya mans ain't go to pick you up?" Chris asked

I chuckled, "You do know I'm capable of driving myself places without Agent right" I asked him

He smacked his lips, "Bro I know that, but normally y'all are always together so I thought you was here this whole time" He said

I nodded, "Well no I actually came here to meet him so we could head out to the mall" I told him

He nodded, "Damn so y'all wasn't going to invite a young Niggah? What if I wanted some new shoes?" He asked raising his hands

"Um you would have to take that up with ya friend, he's driving" I said

"Aight you got a shorty on her way though?" His friend said speaking for the first time

I looked from his friend back over to him raising an eyebrow, "You got a shorty coming through and you don't want me to meet her?" I asked crossing my arms

Chris stuttered for a moment before smacking his lips again, "Agent! Y/N's here!" He said trying to change the subject

I laughed, and not long after Agent appeared in the kitchen. He placed a kiss on my cheek, "My bad I was trying to end stream" He said

I nodded, "You're good, did you know Chris has a shorty comin' over?" I asked looking up at him

Agent looked over to Chris who out of the corner of my eye I could see was shaking his head 'no' and doing an 'x' motion as well. "Nah he doesn't have one comin' over, him and Davis are supposed to be doing a song in his little studio" Agent said placing his arm around my shoulders

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You guys are horrible liars" I said chuckling

They laughed, and Agent dapped up Chris. "Alright man y'all be safe we're out to the mall" He said

I gave Chris a hug once more, before we walked to Agent's room so he could grab his keys to the M4. "You want a jacket? It's cold &' raining outside" He asked

I looked over to him, "It's not that cold outside" I said

He turned around to look at my outfit, "You're wearing shorts , and a crop top if you get sick-"

I chuckled, "Alright , alright give me the jacket already" I told him shaking my head slightly

A small smile was on his face as he handed me his Green strike AMP hoodie, after putting it on he held his hand out and as I put mine in his we made our way out of the room and towards his M4 outside to begin the drive to the mall.

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