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"Hey, I heard your name is Akiro, right?" Daniel stood before me, his nervousness palpable despite his attempt at a casual demeanor. I smiled warmly at him, reassuringly. "Yeah, that's me. It's nice to see a fresh face around the fashion department," I replied, my voice soft but genuine.

"Would you mind if we walked to the cafeteria together? I don't really know anyone else besides you," he asked, his tone tinged with uncertainty. I could sense his apprehension, so I nodded in agreement, offering him a comforting smile. "Sure thing. Zoe and I were heading there anyway," I said, motioning for him to join us.

As we made our way through the bustling corridors, I couldn't help but notice the weight of judgmental gazes upon us. It was uncomfortable, to say the least. Daniel noticed my troubled expression and inquired, his concern evident in his voice, "Is everything okay, Akiro?" I hesitated for a moment, struggling to articulate my discomfort before finally shaking my head. "It's nothing, just...the stares," I murmured, offering him a grateful smile for his concern.

The three of us engaged in light conversation as we walked, though Daniel occasionally interjected with odd questions like, "Where do you live?" It was endearing, really, his attempts at conversation even amidst his nerves.

Suddenly, we were approached by a trio of classmates, their intentions clear from the moment they arrived. "Hey, newbie! We need to talk after school," one of them barked at Daniel, who visibly tensed. Sensing his unease, I stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "Daniel, you don't have to go if you don't want to," I said, my voice gentle but firm. But to my surprise, he insisted, "No, it's okay," before excusing himself and leaving with the others.

Zoe seemed perturbed by his departure, so I offered her a comforting smile before she bid me farewell. "Well, I'll see you later, Akiro," she said with a faint blush, her eyes lingering on mine for a moment longer than necessary.

Time skip 🥰🥰😍😍

After school, I made my way to my motorcycle, its black and purple hues making it stand out in the parking lot. On my journey home, I spotted Daniel conversing with an elderly gentleman, but I chose to ignore them, my mind preoccupied with thoughts of the day's events.

Arriving at my apartment, I tossed my keys on the table before changing into more comfortable attire – sweatpants paired with a tight white shirt and an oversized black jacket. It was a relief to finally unwind after a long day.

Meanwhile, in Daniel's world, he found himself grappling with the realities of his new job, particularly the salary discrepancy. „I managed to get hired but... with the salary difference..?" lost in thought, he was jolted back to reality by the sound of the convenience store door opening. And there she was, the beautiful woman who he has meet with his other body, Akiro, a vision of beauty that left him speechless.

Her cascading long hair, the softness in her eyes, the way her clothes accentuated her figure – she was ethereal. And when she smiled at him, his heart skipped a beat. He greeted her nervously, his mind swirling with self-doubt.

But to his surprise, Akiro treated him with kindness, bidding him a pleasant evening. It was a moment of pure magic for Daniel, who couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief.

However, their interaction was interrupted by the arrival of a less-than-friendly trio, one of whom demanded cigarettes with a sneer. „Phew, give me four packs of m#rlboro lights." Daniel, feeling the weight of the situation, nervously asked for identification, only to be met with a fake ID. „um, that doesn't look like you.." little Daniel answered scared. But he was met with a lie „I've just gained weight."

As the tension escalated, Zack Lee, a boy he already made an awful start in his real body, made his presence known. „Hey! Let's just go somewhere else! Stop messing around!" Daniel's anxiety skyrocketed, fearing the worst.  „Who do we have here?" Zack asked with a smirk plastered on his face. „Hey, we are good here. Get some booze too." He ordered his slaves." „What? Do you know this guy?

Daniel's  desk was now full of various drinks. Little Daniel was sweating a lot.. maybe he even lost a few pounds.. „You know we're in the same age. Hey, let's forgive and forget. Ring this up in honor of our truce.." suddenly a shiver ran down his spine. „And did I say i'm not fucking paying?"


Daniel wanted to argue back, since he could get fired. With that, Zack lost his cool and was about to throw a punch at little Daniel. But before his fist could touch Daniel , someone grabbed his arm with great pressure on it. Zack looked angrily at the person and saw someone he hadn't expected to see. „Akiro.." He whispered. „Zack.. How many times do I have to tell you that it is not good to hit innocent people. Mira won't like you that way." She still had her smile on, but even blind people could see that she was angry.

Zack's cheeks turned red with embarrassment... the girl he always looked up to was scolding him... As quickly as he could, he pulled his hand out and hid it behind his back. "Why do you care about him? Just go away or something." He asked her as he looked down. "He still has to ring my things." She pushed the booze away to put her things on top.

Before things could spiral out of control, Akiro intervened, her mere presence enough to diffuse the situation.

Daniel looked at the counter and saw a packet of lollipops. "You four should go home. It's late," she glared at the four men behind her.

With a few choice words, she sent the troublemakers packing, leaving Daniel in awe of her courage and grace. Grateful for her intervention, he thanked her profusely, unable to comprehend the kindness she had shown him. As he rang for her things, he looked at her with a faint blush. "Thank you, Akiro. I don't want to know what would have happened..." Akiro gave him a confident smile, "You don't have to thank me. It's only common sense to help you. But... how do you know my name?" He asked him uncertainly.

Then it hit him. She only knows him in his other body! He started stuttering, "u-uh, my roommate... is in the same class as you... His name is Daniel Park..." a light flashed on Akiro's head "well, your name is Daniel too, right?" Daniel's world just stopped.

HOW DID SHE KNOW MY NAME? He started shaking like crazy. Akiro must have noticed and told him that it's written on his nametag. "Oh..." was the only thing that came out. His whole face was red.

Until he heard a small giggle. He looked up to see Akiro laughing. Now, he was even more embarrassed. "No, no, don't worry. I'm not laughing at you. It's just that you're so cute. Here, have a lollipop for energy," she assured him. He thanked her with a deep bow. "I have to go now. Good night, Danny." And at that moment Daniel felt a warmth spreading through him – a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos of his new life.

Little did they know, their paths would cross again, bringing with it the promise of newfound friendship and perhaps something more.

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