Beach Confessions (2)

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,,You were not the only one who wanted to do this for so long." ......

Tom smiled and so did Zendaya.

,,I have to say, I lied to you. I never invited the whole crew. It was just us from the beginning. I just thought you would say no If I would ask you for a trip for two. So I lied. I am sorry.."
Zendaya laughed and leant her forehead against his.
,,I kinda knew it."
Tom seemed surprised. ,,Really? A-are you angry now? Did I ruined everything or..—"
,,Can you just stop talking?" Zendaya interruped him and smirked.
Tom smiled and let out a sigh of relief.
,,Can I kiss you instead of talking? "
Zendaya didn't answer him, she let one hand trail to his chest and put her other hand on his neck.
Then she smashed her lips on his and he kissed her back immediately.
They closed their eyes and Tom let his tongue trail over her lips, to ask for entrace.
She did and within a second they were heavely making out.

Zendaya smiled in the kiss and let her hand trail in his curly, wet hair.
She pulled it slighly and Tom let the kiss become even more passionate.
Zendaya gasped, when he sucked on her bottom lip and pressed himself against her.

She could not remember ever being kissed with so much passion and love.
Tom let his hand trail from her waist to her butt and she gasped again.

,,Tom.. wait.." she breathed against his lips and he immedialey broke away and looked with an apologetic and concerned look into her eyes.
,,S-sorry.. I-I didn't meant to.." he stumbled but Zendaya just laughed.
He stood there, soaking wet, with damp, curly hairs all over his face, blushing and pink swollen lips.
She put a finger on his lips which caused him to stop rambling.

,,Everything is ok, Tom, don't worry.. I just think we shouldn't do this here." she smirked sighly and she could see a wave of relief went trough Tom.

,,Y-yeah.. You're right. Lets get out of here, its pretty late anyway." he said and with that he took her hand which made Zendayas heart skip a beat.
After they dressed up in dry clothes and had packed all their things together, they left the beach and walked back to their hotel.

,,Wait a minute." Tom said and stopped walking, right in front of their hotel.
,,Would you mind it if I invite you to dinner?" the brown-haired man pointed to a small restaurant at the left of the hotel.
Zendaya smiled happily. ,,I'd love to."

Tom smiled too, took her hand again and intertwined their fingers.
They took a table a little away from the majority and with a great view of the sea.

After dinner Zendaya took Tom by his hand, walked onto a stone path and bent over the railing sighing happily.
She looked at the setting sun and pulled her cell phone out to take a picture of the sky colored in orange.
She put her phone back and turned to Tom, who was standing behind her and watching her with a happy smile around his mouth.
,,The sunset is so beautiful, isn't it?" she awed and pointed at the sky.
Tom nodded, laughed and walked towards her. ,,It is, yeah."

Then he embranced her from behind and layed his head on her shoulder.
,,You are beautiful too. You really are." he whispered in her ear and she giggled.
,,You are beautiful too, Tom."
He laughed. ,,Since when does Zendaya Mariee Stoermer Coleman giggle?"
Zendaya laughed and shrugged her shoulders.
,,I really don't know. maybe.. because I'm happy.."
She could feel his breath against her neck and it send warm shivers through her body.

Zendaya took a deep breath and collected all of the confidence and courage, she could bring.

,,And maybe.. It's this thing girls do when they are in love." she said and immedialety regretted it.

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