Part 1

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Part 1

"...and cut! Good job everyone! That is a nice wrap.!" The director said followed with the loud cheer from the whole staff and crew.

This is the last shooting day for GAP. All are feeling festive and on celebratory mode except for Becky that is looking visibly down and sad.

"Are you okay?" Irin checking up on her as usual.

"Yes. I'm just sad thinking that this could be the last time I will see P'Freen." She sad pouting her lips like a kid.

"Eh? But she is mean to you."

"No. She is not that mean to me. She just want me to grow thats why she is always strict to me." She defended her.

"She pushed you in the pool." Irin pointed out.

"Yes. But that is just accident." She quickly dodge.

"She throw away your scripts."

"Okay, that was mean but I forgiven her so thats not counted anymore." She reason.

"That does not make sense at all but okay. Its up to you. I'm just saying, she is clearly mean to you and I do not like her for that. She is such a diva." Irin said and sitdown mad at Becky.

Becky looked at her. She know that Irin is just being protective over her. Becky consider Irin as her bestfriend eversince they started shooting GAP. They both have mini role in the series— they play as one of Freen or Khun Sam's office workers.

"Irin—-" she called her name.

"What?" Irin said and look back at her.

"You are being mean to P'Freen." She said in warning tone.

"Am I? How?" She is confused.

"Can't say. You are mean." Becky is mad. She turn away and left Irin.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"I'm going home alone. I don't want to be with someone that is mean like you." She might look like childish but she don't like it when someone is mean to Freen. Even in online, she is always the first one to defend her P'Freen.

"What the..." Irin scratched her head like she can not believe just how fast the tables turn. She calm down and remind herself that Becky needs someone to drive her home so she quickly run to chase her.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I promise I'm not gonna be mean again." She said trying her best not to roll eye to her own words.

"You promise first not to be mean again."

"Okay, I promise." Irin said hiding her smirk to Becky.


"Everyone going for after party, okay?" The Director said to announce to all.

Becky looked at Irin.

"Is she going?" Becky asked.


"So we are going, right?"

"No, I'm taking you home now. You can not take spicy food and alcohol. Why would you go?"

"Because P'Freen is going."

"Omy God! You are insane Becky!"

"Just this one..please.." She said in puffy eyes.


In the after party..

All the crew and cast are present. Even the small roles like Becky and Irin is there to celebrate the success of the project. GAP main leads Heng and Freen made their speech and thank everyone for their hard work.

"Why are you staring at me?" Freen asked flatly. She is cold and doesn't seem to care.

"Ah, nothing. I just want to stare at you a little longer as this might be the last time to see you Phi." She said teary eyed.

"I really hope this is the last time cause you making the work harder for the rest of us here."

"Freen, that is a little harsh for Nong Beck." Heng intervine.

"Its okay Mami Heng. I understand P'Freen. I always cry on the set and I complain alot. I made it harder for the crew."

"But you still a little kid Nong. Thats normal." Heng said and tap her shoulder to give her support.

"I don't care. Can you move there? I am not comfortable sharinh table with you." Freen said and motion to move away.

Becky quickly stand up and move to the farthest seat away from her idol. Her heart aches alittle but she just ignore it like always.

"That was too much. Its last shooting day. You should atleast be kind to her for one day." Heng said but Freen did not answer and just pretend she did not hear anything.

Freen look at Becky... sometimes she also wonder why she dislike this kid so much. Its not in her nature to be mean but she can trigger her to the slightest thing ever.

Its crazy.


Becky insisted of spending more time with her P'Freen so Irin have no choice but to leave her at the party. Irin left the after party early so that means Becky will have to commute her way home.

It was raining hard that night and the crew and artists are going home one by one but Becky stayed a little longer hoping that the rain would stop but it did not.

Its now pass 10 pm, She is already soaking wet to the rain in the bus stop without umbrella or anything. She is feels cold as she wait for the bus.

Then, a white van parked near her. The windows roll down and she saw Freen looking at her with no expression in her face.

"P'Freen you are still here." She smile brightly.

"Are you cold?" She asked but her expression did not change at all.

"Yes. I've been here for hours. There is no bus coming. Maybe they are stucked in the traffic because of the rain."

"I see. Where is Irin?"

"She left already."

"Oh, I see."

There was a pause.

"Good luck on waiting for your bus." Freen said and closes the window...and left.

Becky do not know what she expected Freen to do at that moment but she was hoping that she will somehow show compasion and help her but it did not happen.

"Irin is right. You are mean." She said and cried with herself alone.


This is original idea/concept of Moon of Katha but Sun will be the one to develop this concept for FreenBecky. 😊

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