Part 27

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"Babe.. Irin's Mom is here already. We can now go home." Becky said as she gently tap Freen's shoulder to wake her up.

Freen gasp as she wakes up hearing Becky's voice. She immediately stood up and her heart feel instant relief when she saw Becky's beautiful face in front of her.

This is now the 7th street Freen cross over to the 5th dimension. 🥶

"Becky..." She call her name and hug her tightly. "Sorry, I was not able to protect you." She said with her whole body trembling from fear.

"You had bad dream?" Becky asked and console her.

"Was it a dream?"

"Yes. Probably had dream in your nap. Lets go home. I'm tired too." Becky said and held her hand to lead her out the hospital.

"Why we are in the hospital?" Freen asked confuse as her last memory was she was lying on the ground with gunshot wound.

"We came to visit Irin. She got into an accident. I know that you don't like her but thank you for coming for me." Becky said not thinking about anything as she is already exhausted today.

"Is she okay now?" She asked.

"Still unconscious but her vitals are stable." Becky replied and yawn.

Freen is so confused at what is happening. She knows for sure that it was not a dream but why it feels like she is dreaming. She and Becky should be in the hospital right now... but instead, Irin is the one that is in ICU because of an accident as per Becky.

She tried not to freak out and just observe for now.

She hop into her car and instantly notice the date and time in her car's dashboard. It is a week back from what she remember.

Did I travel back in time?

She look at Becky.

Is this a way of universe so I can save you?

Her memory flashback to the scene when Becky is in the ground soaked with blood. She grips her hand to the handle and blew off some air.

"I will protect you, love." Freen said looking at Becky.

Becky smile and nod her head.

"I know love." She said completely clueless that she is now with the 7th street Freen.

Freen drove to Becky's house silently. She is clouded with the memory of Irin firing gun to her and Becky.

I need to avoid that from happening again.
I need to protect my Becky.

When they arrive to Becky's house. Freen acted normal and kiss Becky goodbye. Becky is sleepy that she ignore all the sign that is infront of her.

"Good night love. Text me when you are home, okay?" Becky said and kiss her again before she let go of the hug.

"Yes. I will." Freen said and turn her back to Becky.

Becky just watch Freen drive away. After that, she go straight to her bed to sleep.

"Damn.. what a long day." She said and close her eyes.

She suddenly remember the 7th street dimension when she close her eyes. She is worried again what will happen to that version of Freen.

"I hope everything will be alright." She whisper before she fall asleep.

The portal is open but she does not have a good body/vessel to transport to 7th street so Becky of 5th street enter a state of black out. She is in between 5th and 7th unconscious state. She slowly open her eyes and she is in the park with her otherself.

"Why are you here?" Her otherself ask.

"I do not know. You are not frozen this time?" Becky asked confused. The last time she was in this state is her other-self is frozen.

"No. I will be frozen like her if you cross to my dimension. I'm just in unconscious state." She explain and her otherself pointed to Freen next to her. "She is frozen in time."

Becky looked at Freen.

"Freen is frozen in time here... which means the other Freen cross over?" Her eyes widen and look at her other self. "Who is this P'Freen..." She asked.

"I do not know. I was wondering if you knew because someone is calling us to go follow the light. If this is my P'Freen I will bring her with me to the light."

Becky heard that and she instantly know that something is not right to follow the light.

"No. Do not follow the light and do not bring Freen with you." She said and closely look at the frozen Freen.

This is my P'Freen....

"Where is Lilly?" She asked.

"She run away."

"Damn! I need to wake up. Freen do not know how the dimension work. She might got the wrong idea.."

"Do not worry. Freen will not do something impulsive. But one thing is for sure— she will protect us."

"I know." She wispher and was reminded that Freen told her repeatedly that she will protect her. "What exactly do you mean that she will protect us?"

"She will protect us from Irin. Irin is the culprit. She tried to kill us."

"Kill us?" She was shocked. The 7th street Irin really did level up her game but...

"Lillyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!" She shout in realization that 7th street might do something to Irin in 5th street.

No! That is not the same Irin. They both did wrong but not to that extent...


In 5th street...

Freen is looking at Irin in the ICU room. Irin is still unconscious and is now hooked up with some machine and oxygen.

She smirk.

"I will not let you go near us again." She said as she remove the oxygen on her. "Goodbye, Irin."

Freen was expecting her to gasp for air and die slowly but Irin suddenly open her eyes and look at her.

"Freen..." She called out her name. "I'm so sorry for everything that I have done to you and Becky. I'm so sorry." She said with tears in her eyes.

Freen was taken a back. She do not know how to respond.

"I love Becky. I can not stand to see her with you. You do not deserve her. She has a pure soul. I know she love me dearly too but not the same as she love you."

"Do you really feel that I stole your spot?" She asked.

Irin nods.

"Yes. I believe that she never look at me the way I want her to look at me is because you are here. She do not have eyes to anyone but you." She said with her sad voice. "I have no chance because you are here. But if I block you away from her... she might look at me but even after I did all that — she still did not look at me that way. She still love you even in your worst version possible."

Freen suddenly feel symphaty to Irin but that is not enough to cover all her anger. She is still mad at what she did but her heart is a little softer now.

"The fact that the destiny did not let it happen means it should not ever happen regardless of your efforts. You only hurt yourself by fighting against what is really destined to happen."

Irin look away and wipe her tears away.

"I know that now." She said in between her sob. "I wish I can take back what I did... and I wish I can stay her bestfriend or even just a friend."

Freen look at her with her sad smile.

"I don't know if Becky can still forgive you but if ever she can not give you the forgiveness. Maybe you can just silently support her from afar."

Irin smile but with tears in her eyes.

"I understand."


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