Chpter 15

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      In the morning I was really tired, I opened my eyes slowly got up and made my way to the bathroom but when I got there Leo was already in there. "Open the door!! I have school!!" I yelled knocking on the door. "No!! Is urgent I cant" he yelled back. "Be faster! You don't have school and I do" I yelled back. "I'm fighting for my life here!!" He said. "Ugh!" I sighed. "What's going on?" Kai said. "Leo is taking too long in the bathroom" I said. "Leo!! Be fast I need to use the bathroom too" Kai said. "Alright I'm done!!" Leo said getting out of the bathroom, I wanted to get it but Kai  pushed me aside and got in. "Hey!! I need to use the bathroom too I have school and you don't!!!" I yelled. "Not my problem I have to fight for my life here too!" Kai yelled back and I just gave up.

"Good morning mom!" I said as I walk down the stairs. "Good morning!, eat your breakfast" my mom said with a smile. "Thank you! By the way I didn't see Owen for a long time no" I said with a curious face. "Oh don't worry" my mom said but her expression was weird. "Eat your breakfast and get ready for school" my mom said with a smile but it felt like a fake one.

When I finally got ready and was able to use the bathroom I said my goodbyes to my mom and made my way to the bus, I sat at the back of the bus like usual. "Elena!!" I heard Violet yelling. "Violet!! Come sit next to me!!" I said. "Alright!!" Violet answered while running to the back of the bus. "I'm here!!" Violet said as I pick my bag of the seat. "What classes you got?" I asked. "Oh the most boring ones history, math, english, spelling, chemistry, P.E and science" Violet said with a sigh. "What about you?" She asked. "Oh I got science, english, art, math, P.E, religion, history" I told her. "Yeah your classes aren't looking good either" Violet told me. "Oh Damien came, he should sit next to you" Violet said with a smirk. "Damien!! Here"  Violet yelled calling Damien over, Damien turned around and a bright smile appeared on his face walking over to the seat next to mine. "Good morning Elena" he said while pushing his bag under the seat. "Good morning Damien" I said and immediately turned around before he noticed how red my face is, I heard his giggle, he leaned in closer to my ear. "Cute" he whispered, and I was even more red. "What's going on? Elena why are you like a tomato?" Violet said turning around to us. "Oh nothing" Damien said. When I calmed down I looked over to Damien he was already looking at me with his cute bright smile. "Your okey now?" He said with a giggle. "Shut up!" I said teasingly.

When we arrived Damien asked me what class I got. "science" I answered. "Oh really! I have the same let's go" he said taking my hand gently. I wanted to hold it but everyone was watching so I pulled my hand out of his and he looked over to me with a confused expression. "Oh I get it!" Damien said while leaning in. "You want to keep it secret?" He whispered to my ear. "Yeah for a while" I whispered back. "Alright let's go" he said walking away and I followed him.

Once we got to the class he sat next to me but Olga was in front of Damien. "Hey Damien!!" Olga said turning around with a wink. "Oh h-" Damien couldn't finish his sentence as I interrupted. "Damien do you have extra pen?" I said facing him. He looked at me. "Yeah, wait you hav-" He couldn't finish as I interrupted. "Thank you" I said with a smile and giving a warning look to Olga, she looked annoyed and turned around. I sighed. "Jealous?" Damien whispered in my ear. I looked over at him he had a smirk on his face. "No.." I said. "Yeah sure like I believed it" he said with a laugh. "Damien! Elena! Detention after school" the teacher yelled at us and I sighed. "Sorry!" Damien told me but I ignored it.

After my classes. "Elena!! Wait" Damien yelled from the back of the hallway. "Did you forget we have detention" Damien told me. "Yeah right I almost forgot let's go" at that time no one was at school only the teachers, he took my hand and lead me to the classroom the teacher was already there so I pulled my hand out of his, I sat down and he sat next to me. "Your gonna be here for 30 minutes" the teacher said. Suddenly his phone rang. "Just a minute let me pick this up, stay quiet" the teacher said getting up and taking his phone outside the classroom.

The moment he got out Damien held my hand. "Damien!!" I said. "What?" He answered, I looked at him and he gave me a quick kiss on lips. My heart stopped beating at that moment, the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. "What's wrong?" I was shocked, I turned around and saw my friend Violet standing there looking at us with an open mouth. "AHA! I knew there was something going on" she said pointing her finger at us. "What's with all the noise!! Violet go sit!!" The teacher said walking in the classroom and I immediately pulled my hand out of his. Violet quietly came and sat next to me. "You will tell me everything okey?" She whispered. "Yes ma'am!" I answered.

When the detention was over I got out of the classroom Violet next to me and Damien behind me. "I wanna walk you out of the school and then you and Damien can you together" Violet told me. "Alright.." I said. "You have to tell me what happened with both of you, I will call you alr?" She said.

When we were outside the school I said my goodbyes to Violet and ran to Damien. "Hey wait for me!!" I yelled while running up to him. Once I reached him I held his hand and started walking. I heard Damien laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked him, he immediately stopped laughing. "Nothing" he answered. I ignored it and continued on walking next to him. He suddenly stopped walking and pulled me to him. My face was in his chest while he hugged me gently. "What's wrong?" I said as i put my arms around his chest. "i just wanted to hug you" he said as he looked down at me and laughed. "Why are you laughing again?" I said with a serious tone. "Is funny how your so short" he said with a teasing tone, I pushed him away. "I'm not that short, your just tall that's it's" I said with annoyed tone. "Yes ma'am!" He said as he took my hand again and started walking.

Once we reached my house he kissed me on my cheek. "See you tomorrow!" He told me with a bright smile. "See you!" I said as I kissed him on his cheek and run immediately inside. Once I was inside I looked ran to the window and looked at him as he laughed, he looked good when he smile or laugh.

"Your back!" My mom said with a smile. "Yes your only daughter came back" I said as I take my shoes off. "Kai!! Dumbest person came back" Leo yelled calling Kai, Kai came running. "Yeah I see that" they both started laughing as I look at them with crazy expression. "Hey!! Come here!!" I yelled at them as I run after Leo with a slipper in my hand. "Mom!! Your only daughter is crazy again" Leo yelled while Kai is standing in the corner laughing at us. "Oh dear this house is a zoo" my mom said as she sighed.

I stopped running after Leo and turned around to face Kai. "Oh you think you wont get it too?" I said with annoyed tone. Kai immediately stopped laughing and hid behind mom. "Hey!! Leave mom out of this" I yelled at him as I threw the slipper but it hit mom instead Kai. We all stopped talking, laughing, yelling this room became quite like in library. "Do you know... how angry I am right now" mom said as she looked at Leo, Kai and me. "I think I have to go" I said as I take my bag and quickly running to my room, I quickly ran inside my room and closed the door as I hear my mom yelling at my siblings.

When I told everything to Violet and got ready to bed, I tucked myself in and fell asleep...

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