Users - Twitter & Tumblr

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It was a nice spring day on the internet. The sun was shining, some drama was brewing, the controversial people were running from consequences, just a normal day. Twitter, on the other hand, was dealing with their Users.

" Come on.. " they murmured. " Where are you little brats?! "
They were looking for something, hidden in their bedroom.

" Aha! Found you! "
Some little round bird creatures were trying to escape, but failing to open the window. Twitter scooped them up and put them in a box.

" There. Now I can finally give this to Tumblr. "
Tumblr was drawing peacefully, listening to some music.

" Hey, Tumblr, I have something for you. " Twitter said, placing the box on a table.

" What's this? " They asked.
The writing on the box read 'For Tumblr. Please don't open if you're not Tumblr.'

" It's for you. I know that you're storta currently dying and- "

" Yeah, I know I am. That's why I'm doing what I like to do, drawing, listening to music and such. "

" Well.. you won't be dying for long. Open the box! "

Tumblr peeked inside the box. " Are those.. your Users? "

Twitter nodded. Tumblr took one of the little birds out of the box. " They're so fluffy. How did you manage to even get one of these? "

" Well, some of them are running through my house trying to escape, cause they're trying to move to this 'Mastodon' app, an app that's trying to replace me. ". Twitter took another little bird from the box. " These are equivalent to 100 Users. I hope it's enough. "

" So, judging that there are 10 of these fluffy birds in this box, that means it's 1000 Users. "

" If it's not enough, I can get more. "

Tumblr seemed confused. " If these are your Users, then giving me your Users will kill you. I don't want you to die! "

" It's fine.. I've existed on the Internet for 17 years now. I've seen a lot.. I really think it's time for me to rest. "

" You sure? The others will miss you too. Everyone will miss you.. "
Twitter thought about it. 'Who would even miss me?'

" Just take it. Your life is more important than mine. " Twitter said, handing Tumblr the box.

" ..Thank you. "
Twitter smiled, walking away.


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