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I wake up earlier than fourth due to my phone ring loudly. I take the phone to put in on silent mode before answer. Not even a second after I answer the phone, Alex talks before I do " Boss we have a big problem the eagle clan hack our underground organization for some information and also killed our best  apprentice" Alex tells me what happens " I'll be there prepare a car for me" I end the call because it useless to talk through the phone right now fourth body is wrapping around me like a snake.

i try to take a big breath before unfold fourth arm and legs I must be careful not to wake him up. I'm ready to wake but I hear he murmured something in this sleep. I approach my ear near to his mouth " Gem, you bastard!" I look at him how dare he- I approach his mouth again " Jerk gemini" This kid is insulting me in his dream.

" You dare to curse at me? I wish I could kick your ass  in your dream" I have no time for this I deal with him later. I take the gun that I put on the drawer last night and get out of the room. Before going i arrange many bodyguards to guard this floor no one allow to enter beside his parents, me and certain nurses and doctor that already arrange for him.

I get into the car and Will is already in the car " How many information that he gets?" I ask him immediately. He opens his ipad " Not much boss we been able to stop them in time. We lost some some information of the client but just the mere clients not the important" He tells me what we lose.

The hacker of eagle clan are not bad. They can hack into our system created by the professionals hackers around the world about out to them. We arrive, I saw many men waiting for me in front of the safe house where the underground organization is. They bowing as I walk in.

Pi Mark is also here since he is the vice president of this organization. I sit on the head of the table " what should we do next boss we cannot stay still and do nothing" one man says " it's look like we scare of them and waiting for our death come" another man say and the others are agreed with him " silence" I say.

" one life should refund with one life and I get it. I am the president of this organization and I have the responsibility for all of you. But, right now we can't do anything on our own since the FBI are watching us closely" Gemini explains to his men. Then he continues " the best way right now is to stay low and let someone do this for us instead" Gemini smirks.

" Who do you talking about?" Mark asks him because he can't see another best way " since we can't use our rules to kill them then we use something else instead" I smile. Everybody in this meeting  room is confuse include Pi Mark.

The sound of footsteps coming into the room. Everyone is shocking to see him " Boss what do you mean by this? Do you want us to end up in jail?" The first man asks. The old man approach me " Jai yen yen luk ( calm down son) how can I capture my own son-in-law and put him in jail? My wife and son will probably kill me" he give him a sly smile. I can see their relieves faces.

Pi Mark smiles at me " Good one young man" he whispers to my ear. I smirk at him. We all made plan together to capture Vlademir since we can't stand his bullshit anymore.



Fourth is still in the hospital and he is bored as h*ll. He watches many TV channel and they are talking about him got stab on the first night of marriage and it's so annoying.

He tosses the remote aways and walk to the window and see a beautiful garden. He wants to go out and have a fresh air. Fourth open the door and sees many bodyguards in front of his room. He walks out " Young master you can't go out it's an order from Master" one bodyguard stops him " WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE HERE OR WHAT?" He says in frustration then closes the door " AHHHHHHHH GEMINI YOU JERK" fourth screaming out loud.

Since he has nothing to do he just sleeping. Don't take to much time fourth is falling asleep. Outside of the room there is a cleaning man who pushes the cleaning supplies " you can't enter you just clean yesterday how can you comeback today?" The bodyguard asks " the nurse says the room is not clean enough yesterday there are dust in the room it can make the patient uncomfortable" the cleaner say without looking at them.

" show me your face" bodyguard. The man is lifting his head but he still have a mask on. The bodyguard is ready to take his mask off to see his face but " Cough, cough, cough" fake cough from the man make them back off.

" i'm very sorry Pi I am sick today but I still to come to work since I have family to raise" he excuses " go on do your work and comes out fast" he open the door for the cleaner and then closes the door.

The cleaner see fourth is sleeping on the bed and approaches him. He takes out a handkerchief then put anesthetic on then put it on fourth nose. Fourth looking at the man and try to moving from the man grab but seem useless. He slowly closes his eye and pass out.

The man take out the handkerchief " well hello dear little one we meet again" he caress fourth skin.He smiles and take out another bottle of drug from his pocket. He injects the drug from the tube and inject into fourth body.

" sleep well little one I'm sorry that you can stay to see how your family falling apart especially your dear father" he stops " no, no, not your father it's our father who is the protagonist in this revenge you know" he laughs and laughs but not so loud because the bodyguard are still outside.

" well your time is over" he looks at his watch when fourth starts convulsions and foaming at the mouth. Gun smiles and escape from the window. When the bodyguards rush in when they get the information there is an imposter who pretends to be cleaner.

They see fourth condition and call for the doctors immediately. The doctors rush in the room and start their business. One doctor is doing CPR and then do DEA. Now fourth doesn't move at all his eye already closes. A doctors with DEA " 250 joules. Shock" the electricity shock.

His heart still doesn't respond " 350 joules, shock" another shock still the same " maximum 500 joules, shock" the last shock of the electricity has serve to fourth  they can't go furthermore " beep. Beep . Beep beeeeeeppppp ............" no more beeping sound from fourth heart monitor.

The doctors and nurses look so exhausted and disappointed. There nothing they can do since his heart doesn't beats anymore.


Shhhhhh like I said AGONY is AGONY no exception in one kingdoms there only one king and one queen not two if there are two queen kill one to make another one get the position 🥲🫶🏻

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Shhhhhh like I said AGONY is AGONY no exception in one kingdoms there only one king and one queen not two if there are two queen kill one to make another one get the position 🥲🫶🏻

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