🌹Chapter 27 🌹

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" Truth."

West said as he exited the locker room and put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. Shit. I just said it to shut her trap,but...

" LyleAnne and I started dating two weeks ago."

What the- Suddenly,Merida lunged forward. Surprisingly,the necklace was still around his neck. I thought he'd throw it away or something after my MIA period.

"Now,if you'll excuse us,we have a date to get to." West added, practically dragging me along because my legs refuse to cooperate.

" We have a date?" I wondered aloud.

"Shush, don't give us away." West whispered.

"You'll never get away with this,West Hamilton! Your father will hear of this. Choosing a mere girl over me?! A celebrity? You'll regret this humiliation!" Merida screeched behind us. Her creepy words made chills go down my spine. West waved without even turning.

I don't think he realized but his jaw clenched at the mention of his father. Does he problems with his dad? Well... It's not my place to ask.

He starts the car and reverses it of the carpark. " Damn idiot thinks he can just control my life. I'll like to see him try." Be said under his breath.

" Your dad?" I ask, nosily.

" Yeah."

" You don't like him much,i see."

He hums, successfully ending the topic. We drive to Dior's only to find it closed.

" I'll go check it out," I offer, alighting from the car. " Dior's has closed due to maintenance problems."
I return to the car and relay the message.

" Ah,great. I wasn't expecting that. What do we do now?" West asks. He looks pretty upset taking into account the fact that he wanted to make it up to me today.

" It's okay,we can go another day, though." I say.

" No,it has to be today. What about my place? Cool?"

" Ohhh, I've never seen your place. Let's gooo." I replied, excited. I wander what his place is like.

After fifteen minutes,we arrive. Surprisingly, he's like a ten minutes walk from my house." You're pretty close to our place."

" Yeah," he chuckles softly "I also just realized."
An awkward silence fill the car. West clears his throat," We should probably head up."

"Yeah." I agree but then no one makes a move. I turn to stare at him," It's your house. I'm supposed to be invited in. I can't just barge in,you know."

He laughs awkwardly," Umm,i guess. It just feels unreal. Well,i guess we should get going. He locks the car and starts towards the apartment. He's probably nervous. Maybe he's secretly a pig. Hehe.

He unlocks the door and I look around. His home is painted him tones of blue and feels very homey. I would never have guessed that West collects odds and ends. He had a stone pyramid and various surprising artefacts. All in all,I was impressed. I could feel myself getting comfortable.

" Not to be cliche,but you have a very pretty home." I say, still exploring " But don't you get a tiny bit lonely?"

" Wanna join me?" He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively.

" No,pervert." I picked up a random couch pillow and threw it at his face. " It was a harmless question and you know that."

" Well, I definitely didn't say anything perverted but it seems your mind is working fast here,babe. But no worries,the offer is still available." West replies.

Every word earned a step forward and a step backwards for me till I hit a dead end which was a freaking wall. He was way to close for my liking.

He held eye contact as he leaned down till our noses almost touched. His bright red curls, his dilated hazel eyes and pink pout shaped lips. The moment was perfect. LyleAnne,do it. Just this once. Do it else you'll be forever haunted.

I tilted my head, leaning in when- Shit,i slid down the wall and crawled under West's arms, putting enough space between us.

" Oh, it's raining." I try to say calmly while internally panicking. " How do I get home now. My voice was a wierdass shrill pitch that was getting me annoyed.

" LylyAnne."

" LylyAnne."


I shut up and turned to face West with furrowed brows. " Huh?"

" I already texted your aunt, told her you were with me. You know, I really feel my confidence decreasing around you. I just kisses the wall." He was grinning but I could see the uncertainty clouding his eyes. How impossible it is to not fall for him.

He directed me to the living room," Get comfortable. Imma take a shower and be right back. Anything you want to eat?" He asks.

He switched on the television," Movie?"

" Yeah,no wait. Cartoon." I replied.

He lifted a brow," Cartoon?"

" Got a problem." I crack my knuckles getting ready to throw hands.

"No, ma'am". He moves to the kitchen area. "What do you want to eat?

" Nothing heavy,just ice cream." I answer.
He returns with three different flavors of ice cream.

I reward him with a creepy Joker smile," You know me so well, partner. Thanks."

After a couple of minutes,West comes back with tousled after shower hair and a serene expression," Now, I'll tell you everything." He smiled but it was forced.

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