Untitled Part 2

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WARNINGS: Some serious sex scene, coming up. Blow jobs. Nothing fancy. Don't judge. You said you wanted explicit. No mpreg yet. There might be a part two.


Painful back thuds and loud handshakes greets the Les Twins as they fight their way through the crowd backstage, sweaty, tired and smiling. Well, more like grinning manically. They'd just won one of the greatest Japan dance competitions of all time. The Juste Debout Japon.

"I knew you could do it, love," Miho says seductively into his ear, and Laurent shudders, feeling thrills race down and up his spine. He'd had a thing for Miho once, way back in high school, tripping over his bonjour, mademoiselle Mihos and comment ca va?s.

Apparently Miho could read minds too, because she digs and twists her tongue into the shell of his ear and purrs, "Meet you in the dressing room."

She saunters off. Laurent meets Larry's eyes and the dark hue of anger and disappointment is written clearly all over his brother's flushed face. Laurent's stomach drops and he feels the sudden need to reassure Larry, it's alright, you're still the only one for me, you'll always be

Their tour managers bumps into Laurent, shattering their focus. "Hey, man," Kento complains. Then he squints. "Laurent. Aren't you supposed to be showering?" He wrinkles his nose.

"Oui," Larry answers for him. "Let's go, Laurent." His face is now perfectly poker, but a muscle in his jaw moves. That nervous twitch. Laurent wants to lick it.

"I didn't mean together," Kento complains again, but he lets them pass. Larry pulls Laurent into the nearest empty room he finds – which turns out to be a broom closet (hey, Japanese people use actual mechanical brooms) – and shoves Laurent up against the door.

"What the fuck was that," he growls, right into Laurent's face. Having all one-hundred-and-forty pounds of hot, sexy dancer shoved up against you in the cramped privacy of a broom closet does wonders for your libido.

"What the fuck was what," Laurent snarls back, because he can be a diva too.

"You know. The thing with Miho." Larry pushes him harder and Laurent finds he can't move a muscle. Huh. Little brother's not so little anymore.

"I don't know what you're talking about, and stop acting like a caveman," Laurent grunts. He tries to move his lower body and his thigh presses up against Larry's half-hard cock. Larry's breath hitches.

"I should go. Miho's waiting for me," Laurent says innocently, and presses his thigh up harder. Larry grunts and, to his surprise, lets him go. He steps back, bulge still incredibly obvious in the front of his trousers and shrugs. "Go."

Laurent blinks, but steps forward. He studies his twin's face. Larry's eyes are dark, and twinkling with mischief. Laurent feels lost. "What are you – "

"Go," Larry says again, and brushes past him out of the door.


This was all Kento's idea, Larry muses, feeling sorry for himself. He swirls the whiskey in the glass around till the ice cubes clink against the glass. I don't even like pubs. I could be fucking Miho into the mattress right now. Or Larry. If he had to pick, it would definitely be Larry.

The loud music made his glass vibrate if he set it down on the greasy table, and Larry was off doing god knows what. He coughed miserably. A girl sauntered by him, pushing out her meagre cleavage and doing some kind of funny duck walk, trying to get him interested. He smiled feebly at her and shook his head. Once the girl was safely off the radar, he scanned the room.

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