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Third Person Pov:

Taylor: Y/n and taylor are sat down on her sofa, fire blazing with the cats across from them, playing around with the fallen string from the rug supporting taylor's carpet 'So you and Gigi?' Taylor says breaking the silence, Y/n turns to her and smiles, contemplating how much to spill to the girl

Y/n: 'Wait how did you know about that?' She asks, looking into Taylor's blazing blue eyes which supported small flecks of magnificent green, so rare yet so gorgeous

'You really are a stalker love' Y/n says and takes a swig of the dom perignon that Taylor seemed to love so much

Taylor: 'She's one of my closest friends' Taylor replies and rolls her eyes, she knows that she comes across as stalker ish but she doesn't care, she pays attention to y/n and she wanted her to know that

'She went into great details trust me' Taylor continues referring to one of her closest friends from her gal pal group

Y/n: 'Oh really' Y/n says and clicks her tongue, taking another swig off her wine, Taylor's leg slightly touches Y/n's

neither of the singers move though, intersecting their touches

Y/n clears her throat and looks down at her legs, noticing the touch they were sharing, finding it somewhat comforting 'Interesting, i got the vibe i didn't mean much to her whenever we happen'

Taylor: 'She definitely worshipped you that's for sure' Taylor says and downs the rest of her wine, noticing a slight smile appear on Y/n's face, her dimples and eyes glistening in the lighting from the fire

'What happened?' Taylor pries for information, she is truly wanting to know Y/n's thought process when talking to her friend, like are they serious, how long have they been serious for?

Y/n: 'I don't know it's kind of like a i don't know' Y/n stutters on her words and uses her pointer finger to circle the edges of the wine glass, Taylor stares at the girl refusing to take her eyes away, admiring every feature her new friend supports 

'Situation' Y/n finally says, she seems unsure what to call it,

Y/n  and Gigi were well Y/n and Gigi, everyone knew they kind of belonged to one another but nobody ever really acknowledged it because they were so frustratingly on and off

Taylor: 'Exactly how she described it' Taylor confirmed stroking her arm nervously, in Y/n's presence she was so calm yet so weirdly anxious

'Except she said situationship' The singers continues

Y/n: 'Yeah, ongoing i guess, i don't really know' Y/n says and rolls her eyes once again, smiling at Taylor and moving her leg so they were touching a little more, the comfort they both got intensified every single moment

Taylor: 'Oh'

Y/n: 'What?' Y/n asks, the girl has a confused look to her face while Taylor supports a disappointed and run down one

Taylor: 'I wasn't aware it was still going on'

Y/n: 'We've got each other blocked but every now and then she will message me to come around at like 2am' Y/n was suddenly hit with memories of all the times Gigi would call her in the early hours and how she would fold every single time...


Y/n was in bed, it was quite obviously the sensible thing to do considering it was 2:21am in the morning, however, she didn't have any idea why she was awake, nobody else was, the boys where asleep and she was sat up watching live performances that her and Zayn had done at the Dive Bar a regular place for them to go to,

YOU'RE THE FIRST {taylor swift/you}- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now