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Third Person Pov:

Y/n: 'No to the fuck no Zayn, we are not singing Mamma Mia, that will be the third time this month' Y/n explains, downing her fourth beer of the night, sat across from Gigi and next to her sister Bella,

Her and Taylor have been making awkward and elongated eye contact all evening, each of them wanting so badly to escape the music and just have one of their comforting conversations,

Bella: Everyone around the table laughed and smiled, as Zayn and Y/n argued purfusely about the girls resistance to sing with the prince haired adonis 'Oh come off it, we all know you want to' Bella chimes in with a small grin, and sticks her tongue out at the youngest band member

Y/n sticks her middle finger up at her situationships sister, making Gigi glance between them, in admiration of their sibling like bond

Cara: Cara decides to chip in to the conversation by agreeing with the light eyed supermodel 'Too true, she's dying to sing it' Y/n shook her head and locked eyes with a certain blonde who was just smiling at her, a shimmer to her bright blue eyes

Zayn: 'Thanks for the backup guys' Zayn shouts and smiles down at Y/n, she rubs the back of her neck, contemplating the embarrassment of it all compared to the experience that she will get

Harry: 'Y/n mate, they aren't going to stop' Harry chuckles and ruffles Zayns hair 'How can you say no to this face?' He questions, Zayn smiles as Harry smushes his cheeks together

Y/n: 'I'll do Dancing Queen, final offer' Y/n replied feeling watching eyes on her like a hawk,

Truth be told Taylor simply couldn't take her eyes off y/n the entire night, there was something so precious about that girls god damn smile!

Zayn: 'Better than nothing, come on then' The dark haired boy says and drags Y/n up from her seat, they skip arm in arm over to the karaoke stand and talk to the DJ requesting Dancing Queen,

Gigi: 'Go on babe' Gigi shouts and everyone around them claps and cheers

Bella: 'Babe?' The blondes sister asks, a confused look to her face and her brows furrowed

'You two back on again?' She questions,

Gigi: 'I guess you could say that' Jelena agrees with her sisters statement, all the girls seem to gravitate around Gigi in that moment, ready for a good old fashioned gossip session

Blake: 'Jesus, G you could have told us' The blonde chimes in, shifting next to Taylor, who was lumped in the middle next to Gigi,

She was barely paying attention to the conversation as she was flicking between Tom and Y/n, paying attention to each off their differences,

Tom was just happy to be their and in the presence of his "perfect" date

Cara: 'I bet y/n's told everyone, and you can't even tell your bestfriends' Cara scolds Gigi as though a mother telling off her child in the meanest way possible,

Karlie: 'Yeah, i'm jealous, thought Y/n was finally going to be single' Karlie says with a smile on her face, everyone turns to her, Gigi and Taylor in particular with questionable expressions to their faces

'JOKING JESUS' She shouts throwing her hands up in defence, making Cara high five her raised hand, they all laugh and Gigi rolls her eyes with a light chuckle

Gigi: 'Twat' She labels the model as,

Harry: 'In Gigi's defence, Y/n hasn't told us' Harry chips in, clearly listening in on the girl drama, something he liked to be included in all the time with Y/n and her drama

YOU'RE THE FIRST {taylor swift/you}- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now