welcome to Ai no shima, Rabuairando!

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Nami: **reading the news paper** Rabuairando... huh..? Spa's, world class malls, hotels, restaurants, amazing scenery... kind citizens.. factories.. seems like a cool place!

Luffy: oi namiii~ lets go to this rando place youre talking about, shishishi!

Nami gets shocked because she had no clue someone was behind her. She turns around and smacks luffy in the head.

Nami: dont randomly stand behind me, stupid!!

Nami sighs, knowing she cant get out of this situation if luffy has already decided their next destination.

Nami: but we have no other choice but to go there now, right?

Luffy: shishishi!!! Exactly!

A few days later, 4 days to be exact, since Rabuairando was pretty far away, but finally they saw a island far away in the distance.

Nami called everyone to the deck as franky slowly sailed the ship towards the island, the closer they got the most beautiful it looked.

It looked majestic! Better than the pictures. There was another island above the island floating on some clouds, with rainbows connecting it to the sea and clouds leading to it, they all were shocked

Usopp: Woahhh!!! This place looks so cool!!

Usopp, chopper, brook and luffy start jumping up and down with excitement until suddenly a strange voice appears

??: oh! We have visitors!

Usopp quickly hides behind zoro and chopper runs to robin

??: my deepest apologies, my name is sebastian, welcome to ai no shima, Rabuairando! I will guide you through the island!

Luffy: ohhh! Hello, bird-guy! My name is Monkey D. Luffy and im going to become the king of pirates!!

Sebastian: ah! I knew i recognized those faces somewhere, you all must be the Strawhat pirates! Its an honour to meet you all!!

Usopp gulps

Usopp: you know us?

Sebastian: who doesnt? You all are infamous pirates in the new world! You guys saved dressrosa from that stupid doflamingo didnt you? Everyone knows you!

Luffy: shishishi!! Yeah usopp! We're famous!!

Sebastian: enough talking, lets get going!

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