The princess celestial, Candy!

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Sebastian: up there is the port, where ships are stored and departed for visitors, we have workers up there to take care of your ships so no worries!

Sebastian turns around and looks at luffy

Sebastian: and we have a special factory for you! Please follow me.


Usopp: just imagine its a meat factory or something, haha

Chopper: hehe, usopp, your funny!

the strawhats finally approach a huge factory

Luffy: woooooooaaaaaaahhhhh whats that!?

Sebastian: thats our special meat factory, you can have as much meat from here as you want! Its exported to other islands too!


Usopp and chopper: HUH!?

Luffy, usopp and chopper and stand in shock, then luffy immediately runs inside yelling "meat!!!"

Sebastian: lets get going, shall we?

Robin: but what about luffy?

Sebastian: there is a guide in there, she'll being him back to us when he's done!

Zoro: i dont know about you but that sounds kind of odd

Sebastian: everyone says that first, but i dont blame you, zoro-kun.

They continue their journey through Rabuairando, soon a female silhouette  is seen running towards them, as she approaches sanji immediately gets a nosebleed

??: Sebastian-sama!! I finally found you!! **huff huff** dont run around like that! We all know you get lost every time! You need to stay with your guards that the princess gave you!

Sebastian: look hikari, im 32 years old. I'll be fine, plus stop treating me like a 10 year old!! Im literally the mayor!

Hikari: but the citizens always get mad and worried abt you when you run off somewhere, and then i have to go find you and it mearly takes an entire day! And what if u get hurt!? Atleast take one guard with you! They're a gift FROM the princess as a form of respect she has for you!

Sanji: OOHOO~ Whats a pretty lady like you talking to a man like him? ♡♡♡

Hikari: uhm- im.... not interested?

Sanji immediately breaks down in tears and starts punching the floor like his life depended on it.

Hikari: yikes. Anyways, i'll be staying with you from now. I dont want u gtting lost like the past 6 times u did last week.

Zoro: hey, by any chance does this "princess" have pink and teal blue hair?

Zoro asks in curiousity

Sebastian: yes indeed she does! Why? Do you know her?

Zoro mumbles
"Huh, so she's here."

Zoro: yeah. I was wondering if she's busy right now.


Zoro: yeah, i do. Got a problem, ero-cook!?

Sanji: yeah i do! How come you know a beautiful princess!?

Brook: yohohoho! Zoro-san and sanji-san, please dont fight, you guys fight everywhere

Zoro: tch.

??: zoro?!-

Zoro turns around, sanji, brook and usopp's mouth drops to the ground, it was like she was the most beautiful person they have ever seen! She had hot pink hair at the front, light pink in the middle and a teal blue and the back, with a crown decorated with flowers, she had light blue and pink eyes with Freckles!! She had earrings shaped like a candy wrapper, with a smile brighter than the sun

Zoro stares in shock

Zoro: ... candy?!

He says, as he pulls her into his arms and hugs her, she hugs him back,

Candy: zoro!!

She starts crying out of joy, sanji stands there in the corner, being realllyyy jealous.

Zoro: candy! Its been years!

He smiles, candy smiles back, turns out, they were childhood friends. Way before zoro even knew kuina!

Sebastian: hmmmmm interesting...

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