Welcome to ai no shima, Rabuairando! (REMAKE)

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a bright, sunny morning the strawhats are eating dinner and enjoying their day until the messager birds drops off a letter to the strawhats, nami gets up and picks it up, she opens the letter and reads it, she looks at luffy and tells him about them getting an invitation to a island called rabuairando, she tells him excitedly that rabuairando is called a paradise island for lovers and visitors, and that they have everything you could ever ask for.

upon hearing that its a paradise island and they have everything u could ever ask for, the strawhats were still hesitant. but since luffy is their captain, he's thr one to decide, they all looked at luffy and he said they should go!

upon their arrival the strawhats discover that the rumours weren't wrong and it was indeed a paradise island. they were astonished by its beauty. the beautiful evergreen forests and fluffy clouds to the crystal clear water and floating islands, it was like a dream come true, the strawhats got off the ship and were greeted by a mysterious man witha  top hat, a monocle with a golden chain, a suit with a fox fur stole and a bird. he greeted them with a bright smile, he was more than happy to see the strawhats as he specially invited them.

upon entering the city, they were once again greeted by a bunch of happy and joyful residents and citizens, there were many shops and huge buildings, factories, ships, unfinished projects, houses, rivers, waterfalls, forests, fields, crops, mountains, hills, flowers, gardens, resteraunts, dojo's, churchs, malls, headquaters, a court house etc

rabuairando was the most modern island they have ever seen, the strawhats were astonished, their guide introduced himself during the tour of the island, his name was Sebastian Scott. he is a 36 year old man who was once a member of cp0 but is now retired. he was the mayor of Rabuairando. upon hearing that sebastian was a cp0 agent, the strawhats grew hesitant of him.

however sebastian told them not to worry as he has no connections with the world government anymore, sebastian shows them around rabuairando and they forget the fact that sebastian was a former cp0 agent and see him as a rather friendly guy who just wants to make people happy and be friends with everyone

the strawhats and sebastian go to a restaurant close to a mall, as sebastian walks in the resteraunt the strawhats see how well respected he is. sebastian and the strawhats sit down on a table and wait until their food arrives. the  waiter brings them the food along with two extra plates of food which non of them ordered. they were confused at first but then the bird flew on the yable and started eating from one of the plates and the fox fur stole that sebastian was wearing turned out to actually be a living fox. the strawhats looked weirded out but soon they didnt really mind it. then a woman with blue hair and pink stripes in her hair, along with a beaded necklace, gloves, and clothes like nami's ran up to sebastian and as soon as she reached them she slapped sebastian so hard that it left a mark on his cheek,

the strawhats flinched, only to look at and see the lady hugging sebastian so tight that sebastian turned blue, after a while, she finally calms down and sits next to sebastian, she looks at the crew as she introduces herself, "hi, my name is Kiera, Nice to meet you! im the vice mayor of rabuairando ^^" she says with her smile, she had a bright smile, almost as bright as luffy's, she had dreamy blue hair with hot pink stripes at the front, her hair looked like robins but it was in a ponyail, she had Cyan-blue eyes with a tiny gradient of yellow. she had pink and blue stripes on her cheek and a bandage on her nose, she had freckles and earings shaped in a heart. she was quite the looker, though her sense of style was.... questionable... thiugh the strawhats dint mind it, her personality was kind of like namis except she was alot nicer and she wasnt a theif-- she slapped sebastian on the back of his head which made the bird fly off of him, it made him flinch and even the glass moved- her hits were.... scary. she hits really hard-

she continues to yell at sebastian, she kept on reminding him to not leave the house without informing her as he was targeted by the world govern. and that he always tends to get lost everywhere and doesnt make it back to rabuairando until like night! the strawhats look at zoro and started giggling. zoro didnt care. he was used to it at this point. zoro put his cup if sake on the table, he had heard about a certain person who lived in this country and he wanted to know more about them. zoro started, "pardon me, but i heard of a princess world-noble who lives in this specific island, is it okay if i get a little bit of more info on her?" sebastain and kiera looked at zoro with a slight expression of shock, tho they seemed skeptical, they know that zoro isnt the guy who would use that information to black mail people. sebastian agreed, he started talking about common things about her, like her appearance, the Family she's in, her personality etc, he described her as a

beautiful k

ind, gentle woman with light pink hair at the front, hot pink in the middle and light-teal blue on the back. she had a crown that was decorated with bows and flowers, she had Purple and Teal blue eyes, freckles and a pink mark on both of her cheeks, she had bangs and long hair, she wore a pretty expensive gown but she always talked about how uncomfy it was and how she would tell them that she wants to wear aomething different. he said that she had a pet cat aswell and that she's the daughter of the Vince Family, her full name was Candy D. Vince.  and she was 21 years old. she had a little sister and a big brother, she came to rabuairando but she was born in the north blue. zoro seemed quite interested when sebastian started talking about her. the crew noticed and wondered if she was anyone

important.  s

ebastian went on, and on and on, but he stopped in the middle. he said that he cant share that part as it is personal information that she does not want to be shared to anyone.

soon the strawhats leave the resteraunt. they go to the center and see a bunch of fun rides. from carousels to ferris wheels to slides, swings, ball pits, water slides, para-gliding, sky-diving etc etc,  and there she was. there stood a beautiful woman just as how sebastian described her. pink and teal hair, purple and teal blue eyes, flowers on her crown, a expensive looking gown. the princess of Rabuairando, Candy D. Vince. Zoro froze (😱😱😱😱) robin noticed, as she was about to tap zoro's shoulder, zoro ran towards candy, candy turned around, she was shocked, they finally reunited, she jumped on zoro and hugged him really tight, zoro hugged back. zoro and candy started to jump in joy while hugging, when they finally stopped you could see very clearly that candy was crying so hard- but with a smile, the crew looked at them, confused, sebastian looked as pale as a ghost and Kiera turned rock solid as the screamed, "PRINCESS!?"

the crew, other than luffy and robin turned pale white aswell, sanji, fell to the ground. how come zoro got to hug such a pretty lady? he thought. candy looked at the crew, her face lit up, "Oh!! you must be the strawhats!!!" she said with excitement, she ran up to sanji and shook his hand, sanji glanced at her, immediately turned into stone with hert eyes and a massive nosebleed, chopper ran up to sanji and started doing everything he could to turn sanji back to normal, meanwhile candy was jumping in joy, she was a huge fan of the strawhats, zoro stood beside her, luffy was busy eating so he didnt really care, but usopp kept on asking questions, as sanji finally woke up, candy introduced herself, and stated that she was zoros childhood bestfriend.

sanji looked at candy again, slowly starting to remember her, her and zoro would quietly sneak into the germa palace and would talk to sanji through the little gap in the jail cell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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