Chapter 4

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After placing all my luggage in with Adrian's in his car, we set off.

In the midst of watching Adrian drive for a few hours towards the airport, I fell into the dark depths of my sleep.

My eyes snapped open as I felt my heart jump into my throat.

"The plane has landed. You may now take off your seat-belts." A woman said in a robotic voice. I looked around confused but alert.

Was I in an aeroplane?

I looked around until I felt something touch my thighs. My head whipped around only to see that it was Adrian's thigh. He was awake, watching me with amusement.

"You fell asleep in the car so I didn't want to wake you up. I thought I'd just carry you into the aeroplane."

"Sweet." I retorted back sarcastically as I stretched my sore muscles and took off my seat belt in frustration.

"Next time, I'd like you to wake me up." I huffed as I heard a low chuckle come out of Adrian as well as one of the passengers. Curious, I whipped my head around towards it only to find myself looking at the back of a young man.

"Come on, Mer. No time to waste. Your cars waiting for you as well as mine."

Exited to see my baby again, I grabbed my luggage off I'm and sprinted down the stairs...

There in the distance I see a large crowd forming and instantly know that's where I need to go. Jogging towards the crowd, I feel Adrian step up with me.

"YOU CAN GO NOW. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME HERE." He bellowed at them, his hands cupped around his mouth.

Soon the crowd starts to part and I thanked him with a quick pat on his rather soft jawline and started putting my bags into my boot.

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