𝐎𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐀 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

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Growing up, I was a happy child. I had two very loving parents, and a beautiful home. I couldn't ask for anything more, I loved my life. But everything changed drastically one night, my life as I knew it turned to absolute hell. I was only a little girl at the time, only 9 years old. I had just come home after playing with my neighbor who lived around the block, the sun was just beginning to set, and the streetlamps started to flicker on. That's how I usually knew to be home, as I didn't have a perfect grasp on time then.

"Y/n dear, always be home before dark. You'll know it's time to return home when the streetlamps turn on, okay?"

My mother would always say to me, and I listened. Anytime I went out to play, I always returned home just as the lamps began to turn on and illuminate the streets. Little did I know this evening I would not be returning home to my mother and father greeting me, instead I'd be greeted by two men all dressed in black with my poor mother and father lifelessly on the floor. I can still remember the screams that came from my mouth that night, the tears I cried as I saw them. It's still a mystery to me why these men left me alive, and why they killed my parents. After all these years I never found out why they did it, or even who they were. Everything happened too quickly, one minute I was skipping through the door and the next I was screaming at the top of my lungs before being shot with some kind of dart filled with a strange liquid. After that, everything went blank, and my life was changed forever.

Shortly after that, my grandmother Teresa took custody of me. That woman was a saint for putting up with me truly, because after the incident I was no longer a happy child. I would sulk around most of the time and act up. As the years went by, this progressed to be even worse. I wanted to feel again, but it was so hard to muster up emotions. I would always try to put on a smile for my grandmother though, but deep down I'm sure she knew I wasn't truly happy. By the time I was 16, I had learned something though. The only true way I'd be able to feel adrenaline, the sweet soothing rush that made my heart want to pop out of my chest. It made me forget about everything, made me feel alive again instead of a former husk of who I used to be.

Another thing I had learned was my senses were not like those around me, it was like they were dialed up to 11. I'm not sure why, or how sometimes I wonder if it was something in that dart that hit me as a child. But I have no true way of wondering, all I knew was my reflexes were godly, and I was able to sense something coming at me from about a mile away. Not to mention my hearing was off the charts, as well as me having a good amount of strength. This was not something I talked about often though, and this was definitely not something I showed my grandmother. I feel as if it would've broken her heart even more, I couldn't put all of this on her. She had already been through enough losing my mother, and her son in law.

I was 19 when she passed, left alone to figure out this world on my own. She was all the family I had left; it was just me. She left me enough money to get a little apartment, and from there I got a job at a bar not too far from there. I'm 22 now, and still work there just trying to scrape by. I will admit the bar I work at isn't a very nice place, nor is it in the most savory part of town which is what probably led me to the very situation I was currently in.

"Listen here you nasty slut,"

A bigger guy sneered at me, throwing his glass at me while I wasn't looking. I caught the cup without evening turning to face him, setting it down I turned to him.

"A slut? No hardly, just because I rejected your sexual advances does not make me a slut you disgusting pig."

The guy gawked at me, probably wondering how I was able to catch that glass he sent hurtling my way, or maybe due to the fact he probably wasn't used to people talking back to him. I wouldn't doubt the second part, he was on the larger side and looked like he definitely put a few people in the hospital. I just simply rolled my eyes and waited for him to speak again.

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