Chapter Fifteen

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TW mentions abuse, rape, and weight (doesn't go Into detail)

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TW mentions abuse, rape, and weight (doesn't go Into detail)

When I got the call that my shipment of drugs was burned I was going to have a chat with Cameron but then I found out he was still selling people and he ignored my order to stop that. So I was going to use him as an example.

What I didn't expect to find was a little boy getting beat on the floor. I then found out he was selling this little boy to earn money.

I've never felt more disgusted in my life. So I killed him.

When I asked the boy how old he was I didn't expect for him to say he was thirteen. He looked so much smaller.

I felt my stomach drop as I saw some of his scars. All I can think about at this moment is my Little brother Theo who is also thirteen. So I offer August a place to live. I can't leave him alone; He is too young.

I took August to my house into the medical wing my Personal doctor was waiting there to tend to his wounds.

His daughter Emma fell asleep so I placed her into a room so she can rest.

I am waiting outside the door for the doctor to tell me the damage he has. I close my eyes and sigh as I look up at the ceiling.

I hear the door open as the doctor walks towards me and says, "Boss this boy is in horrible condition. He has very old and new whip marks all over his back. He has 3 cracked ribs, I also see that he has broken his arm before and it didn't heal properly, He has some bad burn marks, I did a rape kit on him and saw that there was some damage to his lower region but he doesn't need surgery or have any diseases."

The doctor pauses before he continues "I also see signs of drug abuse on his arm he has puncture wounds, as I was examining his body I saw a lot of words carved into him and one of them is very new, and the last thing is he is to small he needs to eat more he only weighs 65 pounds,"

I take in everything the doctor told me with a serious face. I can't show weakness but my heart is breaking at the thought of what that boy went through.

The doctor leaves and tells me I can go inside the room.

I walk in the room to see August's tiny body wrapped up in bandages. He also has a feeding tube to give him the nutrition he needs.

I sit on the chair next to the bed as I softly grab his hand.

"Where am I?" I hear August whisper as he grabs his head.

"You are at my house, August don't worry, you are safe now."

"My brothers and my son, I need to go get them!" He says in a panicked voice as he tries to get out of the bed.

"Hey relax, lay down, you need to rest, I can go get them,"I whisper softly. "Just tell me where they are. I promise I won't hurt them. I will go get them and bring them to you."

"Okay but please don't hurt them, if they don't believe you their names are Elijah, Aidan, and my son is called Luciano," He says as give me the room number.

"Okay I will be back, my brother Enzo will stay with you and don't worry he won't harm you," I whisper as I got up from the chair and left the room.

I go down to my car and drive to the hotel room. Once I get there I knock on the door. I see a boy that looks exactly like August but he has glasses on.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"Hi, My name is Emilio and your brother asked me to come pick you guys up."

"We won't go anywhere with you! We don't know you!" He yells as he tries to slam the door shut.

I stopped the door with my foot as he tried to close it. I then told him, "Look August is hurt and he is at my house right now. He wanted to come get you but he needs rest."

I see another boy who looks like August come into view. He has a scar that runs from his cheek all the way to his eyebrow.

"We will go with you but if I find out you are lying or if you are the one who hurt him I will kill you!" His voice held a promise.

"I promise I am not lying to you, I just want to help you guys. I know you don't trust me but over time I hope you do." I whisper softly.

the boy with the scar says "My name is Aidan." as he points to the one with glasses "and he is Elijah."

I see Elijah disappear and come back with a small kid in his arms.

"Hi you must be Luciano," I whisper to the little boy.

He hid his face into Elijah's neck.

Elijah replies stiffly, "He is very shy and has selective mutism he won't talk to you unless he trusts you."

"Oh My brother Enzo also doesn't like talking so we all know sign language to communicate with him. Does Luciano know sign language?"

"Yes he knows sign language," Aidan replies as we start walking towards my car.

We get into the car and head over to my house once we get there Aidan says "Damm you have a big house!"

Enzo kicks him in the leg and tells him "watch your language around Luciano!"

I feel a small smile on my face as I watch their interaction. It reminds me of Gray and Theo.

I tell them to follow me inside as I walk into the medical wing. I then say "Look Please don't freak out when you see him. He is in bad shape but we will help him get better."

They tell me okay so I open the door and they walk in.

I hear both of them gasp as they rush to the August side.

I wish I could take their pain from them but I can't. The only thing I can do now is take care of them and raise them to be whoever they want to be. I will protect them from now on no matter what.

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