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Fight, little wolf, fight
M'linzi re-read the letter in his hand. The Herd was moving again, they were taking more land, and he feared what that meant. The Herd, he knew of two the Faolan, which was where his Clannamed lived but the other, the Donaidh, they had to be the ones advancing down the mountain, claiming more and more territory.

M'linzi drew his sword holding it out in front of him, looking at his  reflection in a nearby shop-window that had its inner shutters drawn so he could see himself quite clearly. He flashed back to his younger days. 

He stood in the dirt, a ring of other Goliaths jeering at him as he circled around the ring staring at his opponent, sweat beading on his brow as his arms shook, tired of bearing the weight of the sword, wanting so badly to put it down, to give up, in his moment of hesitation as his sword started to lower his opponent struck. He flashed back to his training, to use his opponents momentum against them, so when his opponent swung down M'linzi shot forward using the butt of his sword like a club into the other Goliaths stomach. The resulting, "Oof!", from his opponent was satsifying until he felt something hit the small of his back before a knee came up to slam into his chest, sending M'linzi falling to the ground.

Bite, little wolf, bite

"Let's see how you take this" The other Goliath sneered kicking M'linzi as hard as he could, sending the younger male flying into the ankles of the crowd behind him who just booed and jeered in his face as they grabbed at him standing him up, someone thrusting the sword back in his hands and shoving him into the ring. "Callus, its done. I don't wanna fight anymore."  M'linzi pleaded, only for the words to fall on deaf ears as Callus kicked out. M'linzi on instinct dropping just in time to dodge it, using the momentum to tuck and roll as he fell. He used his sword to slash upwards, his attack hitting the small of Callus's back, a gash appearing in the stone-colored skin, the greyish pink visible in the wound a stark contrast to the grey.

"You little bastard!" Callus roared and M'linzi knew to be prepared, he forced himself up, and got to his feet. Callus lunged and the ringing of their swords colliding nearly deafened M'linzi. He swung, getting another lucky hit on Callus's arm however wincing as he felt a blow hit his face. He stumbled back, his right eye seeing red as he tried to blink the blood away. He cleared his vision just in time to see Callus go for another strike. He raised his sword, both hands gripping the hilt as he braced, the impact less profound now, and he returned the blow however Callus was faster, just narrowly avoiding the blade.

Strike, little wolf, strike

The two kept trading blows, for every one M'linzi got however it seemed closer to two that Callus got in, M'linzi was tiring. He knew he had to get the sword away from Callus. Callus tackled M'linzi as he was distratced, holding his sword to his throat. "Yeild." He commaded in a gruff voice M'linzi looked at Callus as he felt the cold steel on his neck. M'Linzi recalled his father telling him the best thing to do when pinned is go slack, your opponent will think your giving up. And thats what M'linzi did. He slackened, and Callus's brief moment of confusion is when M'linzi struck. He lifted his knee feeling it connect with something but Callus yelped and fell back dropping his sword. M'linzi scooped it up along with his own, and held them at Callus's throat in an X shape. "Yield." M'linzi echoed the earlier command.

Fight, little wolf, fight, little wolf, fight

M'linzi snapped back to the present and put his sword away. That wasn't whp he was anymore. He didnt have to be a fighter to appease his father, he could follow the path his mother walked. He was free to choose. But he wasn't sure what he wanted to pick yet. Healer or Fighter, he shook his head to clear his thoughts and rummaged in his pack for some rations as his stomach growled. He could save the choice for another day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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