Chapter 1

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The massive high school towers over all the other buildings in this bustling urban area. It's like the school stands at the centre of the entire world. Hope's Peak Academy. It brings in top students from every field imaginable. A government-funded school of privilege. I guess this would be the perfect place for any and all future events. To watch these great students achieve even greater heights and bring hope to everyone around. Or to watch them all crash and burn, only leaving the bitter taste of despair in your mouth.

But I guess I'm getting off topic. I think it's time I head inside. I walked through its towering gates and headed towards the main hall for orientation. I felt my hands get sweaty with nervousness. It's the first day, and I'm already nervous. I opened the door to see a group of people around my age staring at me. I guess they're not just people. They're Ultimates.

"Huh, so you're the last one?" Came someone's voice. I glanced around to take in everyone's faces and counted 16 students including myself. That looks about right. The one thing that bugs me is that there are no girls. That's kinda strange.

"My name is Gabe Brunai. I am the Ultimate Mountaineer." I introduced myself and bowed. "It's my pleasure to be your classmate."

"Formal ass bastard." A boy with a baby blue flame as hair murmured. I wonder what his problem is. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

"Don't mind him, he's just a party pooper." Another boy said, and flame boy let out a 'tch' in response. The boy smiled and put his hand out for me to shake it, which I did. "My name is Valt Aoi, and I am the Ultimate Lucky Student. Sure, it doesn't sound as cool as the rest of yours but I'm still an Ultimate either way, so I'm not complaining."

"So you're a fucking fraud? That's just great. And here I thought everyone was supposed to be a symbol of hope or some crap." Flame boy piped up again before sighing. "This is a joke."

"Name and Ultimate." I demanded, feeling like that would be the only way he would listen to me. I got shot a glare, but he did respond.

"Lui Shirosagi, Ultimate Astronomer. Nice to fucking meet ya, asshole." He introduced himself with a roll of his eyes, which I'm not sure Valt picked up on, but either way he seemed impressed.

"So you like look at the stars and stuff? That's so cool!" Valt exclaimed, getting closer and closer to Lui, who only became more and more irritated

"I don't just look at the stars, I study them. Now get out of my face, loser." Lui scowled at the energetic hedgehog who had started bombarding him with questions. A blond haired kid pulled him away with a sigh.

"Valt, you have got to learn to chill. Not everyone can handle you like I can." He said, and Valt let out a huff of annoyance. "The name's Rantaro Kiyama. I'm the Ultimate Comedian. Nice to meet ya!"

"So they give Ultimate's out to just about anyone, I guess, cause you two are a joke." Lui mumbled, walking off.

"I'm funny, not a joke!" Rantaro shouted after him, but he didn't seem to listen.

"You lot are a lively bunch." Came a new voice, and we all looked to see two boys staring at us. One gave us a small smile as he finished putting his hair in a ponytail.

"They're so annoying." The other said, scratching his mohawk

"My name is Ukyo Ibuki. I am the Ultimate Ninja." The boy with the ponytail introduced himself, giving us a small wave. He nudged the boy next to him. "Don't be rude. Introduce yourself."

"Yugo Nansui. Ultimate Samurai." The boy mumbled before bowing. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You're a lot more respectful than you first appear to be." I commented, sharing a glance with Rantaro who smiled at me.

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