Chapter 2

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I woke up and lifted my head up from the desk, looking around, confused. Where was I? I don't recognise this classroom. I'm guessing I was still in Hope's Peak, but this was a strange way to make a first impression. I stood and made my towards the windows, which had metal plates bolted over them. What the hell is this about? I suddenly noticed a camera on the wall, and I couldn't help but feel unnerved. I know this is a prestigious school, but was this really necessary? I don't remember seeing any of this when I first entered the school. So what happened?

I noticed a sheet of paper on one of the desks and walked over to it, picking it up. It was like a child had written it. 'Orientation starts at 8 am. Meet up in the gym' is what it read. In the gym? Wait, what time is it? I looked up at a clock that was at the front of the room. It was 8:05. I was already late. Well, that's just fantastic. I'm gonna be the last to arrive again. I'm really not giving a good first impression, am I? I opened the door, giving the room one more wary glance before leaving. It was probably just orientation or something. They wanted to leave a lasting first impression. That's what I'll keep telling myself for now.

I walked down the hallway, glancing at the different doors as I did. All had some picture on them or a sign telling what was inside. I wonder where the gym is. I glanced at a big red door. Where does that lead to? I suddenly heard my name, turning to see the hyperactive porcupine calling and waving at me. What was his name? Valt or something?

I walked towards him, figuring he might know something about the situation. "You're late. We were worried about you."

"Yeah, sorry, I passed out and woke up in a random classroom." I apologised, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"So it happened to you too, huh." And that one statement made my sense of uneasiness even worse. Why would they separate us like that? I don't understand. It made no sense.

"What do you mean?" I asked, wanting answers more than anything. I was so confused. He probably wasn't the right guy for the job, though. He doesn't seem like the type of guy to ever understand what was going on.

Valt shook his head "Nevermind that now, we need to get to the gym. Lui's gonna murder someone soon if we don't hurry up."

I almost forgot about the short gremlin. I still don't know what his problem is. Like, he needs to chill. Someone's going to have to be responsible for him or he is going to cause chaos just because he's bored, and I am not looking forward to it whatsoever. I followed Valt to the gym, almost dreading seeing him again. Valt opened the door to the gym, and everyone stared at us as we entered.

"Oh, look. The hulk decided to join us." Naoki said, and I just scowled at him. What is his problem? I mean, I expected a weirdo or two but half of them are strange as hell.

"You make me wish I didn't." I murmured, and I heard a couple of laughs. He didn't seem to appreciate the comment, though. What a shame. "Sorry for my tardiness, I got knocked out and just woke up in a classroom."

There were a bunch of murmurs, and it seemed that Valt was right. It seemed that it happened to everyone else as well. Xander gave a small laugh. "Well, as long as you're here and well then it's all good."

"Everybody hear me okay on this thing?" Came a voice I didn't recognise, and we all looked around, confused. "AHEM. Hiya, kiddos! Time to roll out the welcome waggon. Not literally, of course. Not even sure what that'd mean literally, but you get it."

"See? We're not prisoners. This is just how they do things here at Hope's Peak!" Rantaro exclaimed, a wave of relief flooding over him as he gave a small smile.

"Well, you're half right." Ukyo's voice sent shivers down my spine, for whatever reason. I didn't even know he was standing next to me. When did he get there?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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