Chapter Fifteen: A Free Island

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Ren followed the tracks left by Ryushi all the way back until the village was in view. The closer she got to the village the more damage he had caused trying to flee. Trees were uprooted and positioned at weird angles, the ground was churned up and fences were smashed. 'If I didn't stop him, he'll end up wrecking the entire island', Ren thought to herself. Screams and cried could be heard from where Ren was, they were a mix of terror and confusion, just as quickly as it started, the screams died. As she approached the village, she saw a shockwave emanating from the centre of the village, knowing what this was, she also realised why the voices went quiet. "Ryushi" she yelled resting Yushi on the floor, hidden from sight, telling him to stay put. "There's no need to drag civilians into this" a loud mirthless laugh echoed around her, penetrating into her very bones. "You're the one bringing the civilians into this, you shouldn't interfere where you're not needed" Ryushi's voice echoed. Ren laughed, but it was humourless. "A coward, hiding behind innocent civilians, pretending to be something you're not..." she paused after the last word to add as much insult as she can to the final word. "Attractive" the word pierced through the laughter that was still echoing around her. Soon silence swallowed the village like a gas cloud. Even the moon was getting darker.

Somehow this worried Ren. Ren looked up into the air and noticed that she could no longer see the moon. There was a swarm of dark shapes beginning to envelope her. When they got closer Ren noticed that the shapes were actually the civilians of the village. 'Oh crap' she thought, her eyes widening in surprise. The swarm enclosed Ren, leaving her with very little space to move. With the silence around her, Ren began to notice that it wasn't total silence, a faint sound could be heard though she couldn't distinguish where it was coming from. "Looks like the fox's race is run" Ryushi could be seen standing on a roof top not that far away from where Ren was trapped she saw that he was holding his hand out with the palm facing up to the sky. 'Why?' Ren asked herself. He gave a small wave of his other hand and Ren saw a couple of the brainwashed villagers launch at her. There were five of them, all larger than she was, they looked to have the same build as Natama. Ren thought back to when they had their fight. She sprung towards them, spun in the air, stretched her leg out and felt her foot collide with the closest ones head. They were hit off course and collided with another, they crumbled into a pile. The closer Ren got to Ryushi, the louder the sound got. Then she realised. The sound was emanating from his right hand. Realising what that meant, she drew her sword, looking at one of the civilians. "Flame Breathing" she said, still positioned to strike one of the mind-controlled villager. Ryushi's eyes widened with excitement, it was clear her was hoping for Ren to kill one of the villagers. "Third Form" She continued "Yes" Ryushi said with glee. "You finally see that these villagers were expendable all along" "Blazing Universe" Ren yelled, launching herself towards Ryushi, whose eyes widened in shock and surprise. He tried to back away from her, terror on his face. Ren slashed at his right hand; the sound stopped in an instant. As soon as his hand fell, he began to look worried. All villagers were free from his control. Ren turned to see him writhing and twisting his hands together, he lost some of his handsome face, instead looking weaker and weedier. His stylish hair soon looked unkempt, even his frame shrunk. "I'll kill you for that, bitch" he spat at her. Ren ignored him. Instead she hit him with the end of her swords handle, causing him to fall off the roof to the floor.

"What a shame, your Blood Demon Art was truly amazing. You're obsessed with controlling others and get angry when you don't have it. That's why you fled from me wasn't it, because you couldn't control me?" she taunted, jumping off the roof and landing softly next to Ryushi. "I bet you're wondering why you couldn't control me" he looked up at her, rage etching across his face. His black markings began to glow purple. "I wondered how you were able to render me unconscious so easily. Then when I regained consciousness and you tried to control me a second time, I noticed the soundwave and knew how you were doing it, that seemed to nullify its effects, if you know what's about to happen, it won't affect you" she said, bending down to him. Ryushi made a sharp movement that looked like he was going to do to her, what he did to Koba. Ren knew that she wouldn't be able to dodge in time. She was fast, but if she dodged this attack, Ryushi could launch a second one at her, that she couldn't dodge or even attack the villagers. Suddenly Yushi came charging out of what seemed like nowhere, seized Ryushi's arm and prevented him from attacking Ren. Both Demon and Demon Slayer were surprised to see the dog but Ryushi acted first. He bent both his legs and kicked at Ren sending her flying backwards. Skidding to a halt Ren saw that Ryushi had gotten to his feet, Yushi still handing from his left arm, snarling and sinking his teeth further in. "Fuck off you dumb dog" he yelled, flicking his arm away from him and sending Yushi flying away. The dog hit a wall, let out a loud yelp of pain, hit the floor hard, tried to stand, collapsed on his legs, unable to even sit up.

Rens face was stone cold. Her rage grew inside her but her lack of outward anger at Yushi being hurt. "I guess there truly is no hope for you" she said, a cold sadness in her voice. "Can you look after Yushi for me" she asked one of the villagers. They young woman nodded and went to sit with him. Ren turned her attention to Ryushi and flew at him. The two fighter's fought at blinding speed. The wind that emanated from their attacks made them seem like the eye of a tornado. The cried of the villagers were drowned out by the sound of the dull, resonant sound of Ren's sword hitting Ryushi. Their fight grew so intense that some of the villagers were forced to flee as some of the buildings began to splinter. "Blood Demon Art" Ryushi roared "Splintering Echo" he let out a piercing shriek that actually destroyed a number of building fronts. Ren felt the bones in her skull actually vibrate at rapid speeds feeling like any impact would cause them to shatter. 'I have to stop this, if I let this continue more people would get injured, and Yushi...' Ren thought to herself, shielding her head from the sound waves. She knew she needed to get closer but she couldn't give Ryushi the opportunity to catch her. Her legs were fully healed now, she could use it at full strength unlike the time she used it after her fight with the chimera demon. She looked around her to see where her footing could go. "Flame Breathing: Seventh Form, Seven Falling Stars" She said. Launching herself from side to side, landing on different objects getting closer to Ryushi. She twisted in mid-air after the seventh jump, spinning and using all her momentum to strike at his neck. There was sonic boom that sent her flying backwards yet again but the damage was done. Ryushi's head was rolling away from his body, the ghost of his final scream plastered on his face. The body and head faded and turned to ash as the villagers emerged from their shelters. They surrounded Ren and then looked at Ryushi. "You, you killed my son" a woman said hysterically. "That was not your son" Ren said solemnly. The woman began to hit Ren over and over again, who did nothing to stop her. "Your son died a few years ago, becoming this demon, the visitor you had turned him into a demon, from that he was able to control everyone on the island which is why all your younger generation went missing and why you were being killed for trying to stop this" she explained the woman collapsed to her knees and began to cry just as hysterically. "Once a person becomes a demon, they cease to be and the demon takes over. He would have enslaved your whole island and you would have lived in fear for the rest of your lives if he continued" Ren finalised.

"I see" an elderly woman said as she approached Ren, "Please tell me the youngsters are safe" she asked pulling Ryushi's mother up by the arm and holding her as she continued to cry. "Yes, my colleague is with them, they should be free from the spell Ryushi put them under and be back here shortly" the crowed gave a collective sigh of relief and parted, allowing Ren to get to Yushi. She didn't notice during the fight but the woman she asked to protect Yushi was actually the scarred faced girl from earlier that night. "How is he?" she asked sheathing her sword and kneeling down next to them. "He'll be fine, Just don't make him walk for a while, I can look after him if you want, I'm good at handling animals" Ren considered this, "How about this" she offered, "Why not join the demon slayer corps, you don't need to be a good swordsman to help the corps, I'll pay you to help me look after Yushi, I've been meaning to get my own estate and I can even help teach you how to kill demons if you would like that" the girl considered the offer, nodded and said "Sure, I don't see why not, I'm Kellia" "Ren" she said offering her hand, the two shook hands and looked at Yushi. The dog was no longer in pain and seemingly asleep, Ren began to stroke his head. "Kellia, that's an unusual name" "Yeah, My father was from America so I have a western style name, they died when I was a child so I had to fend for myself, I got taught by the retried shinobi before he died so I learnt all my skills from him, I'm good with a bow" this gave Ren an idea but before she could say anything, Koba appeared behind her. "Everyone is safe and the Kakushi have arrived to help rebuild" he said, still clutching his stomach "How are you feeling" she asked him, Koba gave a dismissive wave of his hand, "Its nothing, the Kakushi already tended to it, I just need to take it easy for a bit, but I want to help rebuild the village" Ren and Kellia smiled. "I'm glad you still want to help" the voice of the village elder said "You two will always be welcome here" she nodded at Koba and Ren, she beckoned for Koba to follow her, he waved at Ren and said "I'll see you when I get back" ren called back to him "I'm actually going to ask the Master if I can get my own estate or homestead, if I can I'll send you a letter by Kasugai" Koba gave a wave of his hand as he walked away.

Ren smiled and picked Yushi up carefully, she was glad that the island and its people were safe.

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