Chapter eleven

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Alex’s POV

I woke up from the sound of my alarm. My mum must have set it for me because I fell asleep. I got up and slowly got dressed. I wore a pair of black Nike sweatpants, a white t-shirt, and a Nike jacket. I slipped on my white air forces and went to the bathroom to try and cover up the bruises.

The swelling was almost gone, and I did a pretty good job covering the bruises to the point where they were barely visible. I made my way towards the kitchen, where I saw my mum.

“Ready?” She asked.

“Yeah?” Why was she asking me?

“Okay let’s go.”

“You are driving  me to school?”

“Yes, now get in the car.”

The ride to school was quiet. I sat in the back seat, not wanting to sit near her.

As we arrived at the school, I grabbed my bag and slid it over my shoulder and quickly headed towards the building to meet Charlie. It was early, and I still had time to catch up with her. I found her waiting for me by my locker. I got closer to her, and I knew she noticed my lip and the shadow of my bruises.

“What happened to you? I thought you were sick.” She said visibly, mad.

“I got into a fight.”

“You got into a fight? With whom?” She didn’t believe me.

“Uhm... You know... uhm with...” I didn’t know what to say.

“Cut the crap, ok? I’m not stupid, I knew there was something wrong with your family, I could tell, but this, this too much. You should have told me, we are best friends, you are like a sister to me.”

“I know.” I said, trying to hold it together. I knew I should have talked to her, but I couldn’t, I can’t talk about it.

“If you knew it, then why would you keep such a secret?”

“It’s too painful to talk about it, and I don’t want anyone to know.” I said, allowing a few tears to escape my eyes.

“It’s okay.” She tried to calm me down. She attempted to hug me, but I pulled away, wincing from pain.

“It’s not just the face, is it?” She seemed worried.

I shook my head no.

“Fuck Alex, you should report them.”

“NO, it won’t do any good they have the means to get away with it.”

“Shit, you are right.”

“let’s just go to class” I said not wanting to continue the conversation.

The classes passed by slowly and teachers helped me catch up with the rest of the class. I got excused from PE to recover. I sat at the bleachers and waited for the bell. I was exhausted and the pain was almost unbearable, plus I was hungry. I felt really weak, but I had to keep going. This Friday is the homecoming and everyone was going crazy. I didn’t really care, if it wasn’t for Charlie I wouldn’t go, but she begged me to.

The bell rang and I headed towards the English class. The door was open, and I walked in, Ms. Davis was sitting at her desk looking as beautiful as always, she noticed me almost immediately.

“You came” she said smiling at me.

“Yeah, you missed me?” I joked.

“Yes, I missed you annoying me.” I laughed

I sat at my usual sit and waited for Charlie. I paid attention for the whole class, last thing I wanted was for her to tell my parents the same thing.

As the bell rang, I picked up my back and moved to the chair in front of her. She looked up smiling, but her smile quickly turned into a frown as she studied my face.

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