Chapter forty-seven

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~This chapter is just smut~

This is the playlist Athena used.

Our faces were centimeters away, and her expression had changed into something more serious. She moved her mouth close to my neck but didn’t kiss me. Her hot breath tickled my neck.

A shiver ran down my spine as her hands moved on my body. Her cologne was tingling my nose, and her heavy breathing was covering the rest of the noises in the house.

I pressed our bodies together and moved my mouth to her neck. I kissed it and used my teeth, lightly biting and sucking it, to make sure I left a mark. I slipped my hand under her top and caressed her bare skin. I felt her shiver under my touch.

“Do you like that baby?” I smirked, and she bit her bottom lip. “I wanna hear you say it.” I whispered, leaning close to her ear.

“I like it, babe.” Her breath hitched.

I wanted to make her legs shake so bad she would forget how to walk.

I lifted myself up a little, and she stared at my confused. I smirked and started slowly taking my top off. I let it fall on the side of the couch. I took my phone and put on a playlist, which I had specifically made for this reason.

I unclipped my bra and let it fall on her. She picked it up and tossed it aside, smirking.

She ran her hands on my body and cupped my breasts. The devilish smirk on her face told me that she wanted this as much as I did. She made a move to take her top off, but I stopped her.

“You shouldn’t challenge me.” I whispered again.

“Oh yeah?” I put some light pressure on her hands.

“Yeah.” I took her top of, and she wasn’t wearing a bra.

I moved my mouth closer to her nipples and looked at her with a smirk. I ran my tongue between her boobs and slowly moved to her nipples. My mouth started teasing her nipples, I was lightly sucking them while my tongue was circling them. Her breathing was heavy.

I slid my hand inside of her pants and teased her over her underwear. She had soaked it. I smirked, knowing I had that effect on her.

My hand kept teasing her area while my mouth stimulated her nipples. I kissed her neck a couple of times and ran my tongue down to the hem of her pants.

I slowly removed them, caressing her thighs and legs while doing so.

“You are so beautiful, Alex.” I slowly stood up, and she sat up and watched me as I took my pants and underwear off.

I climbed on top of her again and moved my hand to the back of her head, pulling her to a rough but passionate kiss. Our lips moved in sync, and our bodies were so close that I could feel her heart beat in her chest.

We pulled away to breathe, and I pushed her, to lay back down. I trailed kisses down to her inner thighs, and my hands stimulated her breasts. Her gray boxers had gone darked at the front.

“Athena.” She whispered. I pulled off her underwear and moved my mouth close to her area, but I didn’t dive in right away.

I let my hot breath tickle her as my hands caressed her body and moved to her thighs, lightly squeezing them. Her hand found its way into my hair.

“Athena.” She moaned before I could even do anything.

“I want to hear you beg for it.”

“Athena please.” She let out in a whisper. Her desperation to be touched made me wet.

My mouth teased her clit as my hands squeezed her thighs. I started off slowly, letting my tongue tease her clit. She tasted amazing. Her body was tensed and lightly jerked, every time my tongue flicked on her clit. Her breath hitched too.

I moved my hand to her area and started slowly moving my fingers.

“Athena” She moaned, and I started going a little faster.

I sped up and slowed down again and again, not letting her reach her climax yet. Sweat was dripping down our bodies and her breathing was faster than before.

I started picking up the speed again. It took a few minutes for her to arch her back. Her legs started shaking and so was her entire body. Her hands grabbed the cover of the couch and she let out a loud moan. Her body relaxed.

She was panting and sweat was dripping down her body.

“Alex.” She turned to look at me. I licked her juices off my fingers. “You taste amazing.” She smirked and closed her eyes again.

I got off of her and went in the kitchen. I got us two glasses of water and handed her one. She drank all of it. The room smelled of sweat and sex.

“Athena, that was…amazing.”

Will you challenge me again baby?” I whispered.

“Now that I know what happens if I do, definitely.” I chuckled.

“Maybe I didn’t make you shut up, but at least I made your legs shake.”

She squealed and I chuckled.

“How about we go take a nap?”

“I don’t think I can get up.” She said shyly. I smiled and picked her up, bridal style. I carried her in the bedroom and laid her on the bed. I laid next to her and pulled the covers over us.

“I want to make you feel the same way, but I don’t think I can right now.” She said and I let out a chuckle.

“I rocked your world.” I said with a smug expression. That devilish smirk appeared on her face again. She bit her bottom lip and her eyes traveled on my body.

“I want to see these fingers do the same to you.” She said and I stared at her, I was a little surprised by that. “Unless you don’t feel comfortable.”

I smirked and pushed the covers off us. I moved my hand to my area and started pleasuring myself, while looking at Alex.

Looking at Alex’s greatly shaped boobs and her lustful eyes was a huge turn on and it was enough to make me cum.

She was eyeing me and biting her bottom lip, while her hands played with my breasts.

It didn’t take long for my entire body to start shaking. My hand was shore, but I kept going. I closed my eyes and arched my back, letting out a loud moan, while my other hand was gripping the sheets tightly.

“Fuck.” I cursed under my breath, as I let my body relax. I was panting and sweat was dripping down my forehead. My heart was beating fast in my chest. Alex moved closer and kissed my neck. She grabbed my hand and licked my juices off my fingers.

“My favorite snack.” She winked.

She pulled me into a hug and kissed me.

We fell asleep in each other’s arm, naked.

A/N: I think this was one of my best smuts 👀 Also, I had to put a hot picture of Athena.

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