Chapter 5: What Is this Strange Feeling?

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Sunshine glints on his hair, brown strands streaked with blonde falling onto tanned chiseled features as Erelah stares in captivation.  He was tall with broad shoulders, his body screamed strength, carrying himself like a graceful warrior though his sheer size you would think he would be a clumsy brute.  No, his gate and posture oozed grace and a certain power, filling her stomach with a fluttering similar to butterfly wings.  His eyes meet hers, even from such a far distance the piercing green of his iris' felt like a weight upon her as it traveled the length of her body.  Erelah took notice of the hunting bow clutched tightly in his hand, also becoming acutely aware of her heart pounding harshly against her ribs, feeling as if it were about to explode out of her chest as she tried to stay as still as possible.

He takes another brave step forward, and a pang of fear aches through Erelah's body as her wings twitch with the urge to fly.  Her body tensed even further as his eyes flicked to her wings, noticing their slight movement.  His expression never shifted or twisted with fear as she expected, features blank as they studied each other.  What he does next though, stuns Erelah into perpetual surprise.  Tearing his gaze away from her wings, the human drops his weapon, places his hand over his heart, and kneels, bowing his head in respect and utter reverence.

Something made Erelah's heart dance her chest upon his act.  It wasn't fear or adrenaline even though she had been feeling those up until this point, instead everything seemed to fall away leaving her feeling light and calm.  When he raised his head after moment she was surprised again by the smile pulling at his lips.  Her heart swelled again with the unfamiliar feeling, she felt absolutely drawn to him, like very essence of her self was being tugged by an invisible string.  She wanted to be closer...

By the Heavens, what on earth was she doing?! It was forbidden to appear before humans...

Erelah snaps to back to reality, rising in a panicked hurry as the word, "forbidden" repeats over and over in her head.  Wings unfurling to their full length, Erelah stops herself for just a moment to look back at the human male.  An expression of awe has alighted on his handsome face and with a touch of vanity Erelah knew her wings were a sight to behold, their sheer size enough to baffle any unsuspecting human as were double the length of her body.  Mentally shaking herself, Erelah wills strength into her legs and launches herself into the sky, high enough for her wings to catch the wind.  She flaps hard and doesn't stop until she reaches the cloud cover and she knows she has left the meadow for behind.  Leaving her mysterious admirer far behind...

That was the day that something odd began to fill the place in her chest where her heart occupied.  Every time she thought about him, the pace of her heart would quicken and unfamiliar heat would rise to her cheeks.  A strange longing would accompany it, making her want to return to the meadow in hopes of seeing him again.  Maybe, just maybe, she would find herself close enough to touch the skin of his face and feel the softness under her fingertips.  Or maybe speak to him, even if it were just a singular word of greeting...

In time, the span of a month had passed and this feeling refused to subside.  It became stronger and stronger with each passing day until frustrated tears threatened to spill down Erelah's angelic cheeks.  The bottle that harbored her pent-up feelings and forbidden thoughts she surely expected to burst if she went any longer like this. 

"Erelah!" Michael's voice boomed inside her subconscious.  Surprise shook Erelah out of her turmoiled daydreaming before turning her attention back to Michael's presence.  His annoyance was tangible in her thoughts and berated herself for being the cause of such annoyance.

They weren't in their physical forms.  In Heaven, we could appear in such forms but for most it was more comfortable to shed the human vessels and appearances to manifest in their spiritual bodies, or orbs of energy that floated around the white emptiness of Heaven.  Most found their physical form confining, Erelah couldn't understand why but everything considered she was quite different from the rest of the angelic population.

Something pushed her aura rather aggressively as once again Michael brought her out her wandering thoughts.

"Erelah, focus!" He chided, Erelah mentally winces at the anger that sifted through his aura.  "I don't understand why you have been so distracted lately this is important!" 

"I'm sorry," Conveying her apology as she shrunk a little further into the depths of her spiritual body.  Erelah's emotions were roiling with unrest and it was a wonder that Michael hadn't picked up on it.  She needed to get ahold of herself...

"There are reports from several of the choirs of demons roaming the plains I had you scout a month ago."  His voice seemed to echo in her thoughts, and if her heart could have clenched it would have.  "Seems a small hoard managed to slip through one of the lesser known portals and are heading east towards a more populated area of humans."

"Any casualties?" His denial sifted through his aura and a bit of relief washed over her.  "I'll take care of it..."

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