3 (PART I)

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After lunch, Gwyneth and her sisters said goodbye to their aunt and Mr. Wells accompanied them to the station.

While they were waiting for the train, Mr. Wells commented with them on the news of another riot that had taken place during the night before between the Republicans and the British Army; stunned Gwyneth asked him more news, "Apparently there are many injuries. But I don't know more", the uncle said.

Gwyneth thought that Sebastian had certainly took part in the riot and she began to be worried about him. Lucasta noticed her apprehension, "What is it?", she asked her, "Sebastian was certainly present in the riot", Gwyneth replied, "I am concerned", Lucasta told her: "When we'll be back in Galway you could ask of Mr. and Mrs. Blake about him", however Gwyneth was still agitated.

When the arrival of the train to Galway was announced, Gwyneth took Lucasta aside and said to her: "I have to go, Lucasta. I cannot cope with this misgiving", bewildered Lucasta replied: "What are you talking about? We are going back home",

"I will join you",

"But we cannot leave you here! It's dangerous. Do you want to take this risk for Sebastian Blake?",

"I love Sebastian. As you thought", Lucasta was astonished, "Do you realize what you are saying? What are mom and dad going to say?", she said,

"I shall speak to them when I'll be back",

"You are getting into trouble, Gwyneth! He is a deserter. Don't you care about your reputation?",

"I know what I am doing", said this she went to said goodbye to the uncle.

The three sisters, after saying goodbye to their uncle, boarded the train, but Gwyneth immediately got off through a farther door, being careful not to be seen by the uncle.

She went to take a taxi, to go downtown.

Lucasta was concerned about her, she explained to Rowella that Gwyneth had got off the train, "She was worried about Sebastian Blake", she said, "It is as I had suspected, she is in love with him", Rowella was astonished, "I've tried to convince her, but you know how she is", continued Lucasta, "I don't know how to tell mom and dad", in that moment the train departed.

In the meantime, Gwyneth arrived in downtown and she went to the building where Sebastian lived in. She knocked on the door, but no one answered.

Concerned, Gwyneth run into a young man walking to a door in front and she asked him: "Excuse me. Have you seen the man who lives here today?", the young man replied: "Sebastian? He is in the shop at the first floor", Gwyneth was relived and she thanked him.

She went to the first floor and she found the shop; Sebastian was talking animatedly with some men, when he turned around and saw her he was stunned, "Gwyneth?", he said, he came closer to her, "What are you doing here?", she replied: "Your neighbor told me I could find you here.      I heard what happened last night, I was concerned about you", Sebastian led her outside, "Come", he said.

On the sidewalk Gwyneth asked him: "Did you take part in the riot?", he replied: "I did",

"Did you get hurt?",

"No, don't worry. Thank you for your interest",

"I was supposed to return to Galway today. But I did not take the train. My sisters left without me", Sebastian was astonished, "What? Why did you do such a stupid thing?", he exclaimed,

"I was afraid something had happened to you",

"What is your family going to say? You should not have compromised yourself",

"Can we go in your accommodation? I wish to speak privately". Sebastian carried Gwyneth's suitcase and led her to his accommodation.

The room was bare and untidy. "It is not what you are used to", Sebastian said putting down the suitcase, "It is not matter", she replied, "I know I am giving a disappointment to my folks", she continued, "But they are understanding and I trust one day they shall understand",

"And would they accept a daughter outcasted of Society?",

"Would you be willing to marry me?",

"I do wish to marry you", Gwyneth smiled flattered, "But how could  

I ever ask you to lose your friendships? Not to show yourself in public events anymore?", Sebastian continued, "It is my decision to make", she said coming closer to him, "I love you, Sebastian", it was the first time since Sebastian had returned from war that he had another feeling aside anger and grudge, he kissed Gwyneth and she said to him: "We might move. Living far from Galway", Sebastian thought it might have been a solution, "I love you as I've never loved before", he told her, "Let's get married and get over with it", Gwyneth said.

They have been talking long, for most of the afternoon, Sebastian asked her: "How will you spend your days without visits to make and Society events to attend to?", Gwyneth replied: "Do you think I would not know how to use my time? There will be enough to do in the house and you know how I delight myself in playing the piano. Further I have always been encouraged to improve my education. And finally there are the charitable duties of the Church. I don't believe I will have time to get bored", Sebastian listened to her carefully. The pair agreed to get married in the Church where they had met once, two of Sebastian's companions were going to be their witnesses.

The evening Sebastian proposed to have a dinner out, but Gwyneth said she wasn't hungry, "I cannot go to my uncles's house tonight", she said, "I could sleep on the floor", Sebastian said, "There is no needed. We'll soon be husband and wife", Gwyneth told him, then she kissed him, "Are you sure?", Sebastian asked, she nodded.

They undressed and laid down on bed, Sebastian was a cherishing lover and so they spent the night together.

Meanwhile, Lucasta and Rowella had arrived in Galway and they had to explain to Mr. and Mrs. Everdene why Gwyneth was not along, "She has decided to stay longer", Lucasta said, "Why did she stay alone, without you?", asked Mr. Everdene, Lucasta was in awe, "Is there anything I should know?", he asked suspiciously, "Gwyneth met a man", Lucasta said, "They were meeting sometimes", the Everdenes were astonished, "Without our permission?", Mr. Everdene said, "I've tried to tell her to be reasonable", Lucasta said, "Who is this man?", asked Mr. Everdene, "I do not know", replied Lucasta, not having the courage to say who he was, Mrs. Everdene intervened: "Are you saying she did not confide it to you?", Lucasta said: "She did not tell his name", Mr. Everdene asked: "How did she meet him?", Lucasta replied: "I believe they had known each other from before. But I don't know anything more", Mr. Everdene dismissed his daughters and he said to his wife, "I am going to send a telegram to your brother-in-law" and he walked to his office.

The following day, at noon, Mr. Wells received the telegram; he was bewildered by learning Gwyneth had stayed in Dublin and he wondered where she was, since she had not returned to their home. Concerned, he immediately sent a reply telegram to Mr. Everdene, telling he was unaware that Gwyneth was still in Dublin and she was not in his house.

He and his wife were worried for her, but they did not know where to start looking for Gwyneth.

In the meantime Gwyneth and Sebastian, after having lunch in a nearby inn, conversed with Sebastian's companions and asked for their collaboration in celebrating the wedding, which they accepted.

Then Sebastian had to join his companions and Gwyneth stayed in the room; she had been busy to clean and tidy the room, while she thought of the Everdenes, who must have been worried and disappointed with her.

She felt guilty for giving them a displeasure, but she was certain of the decision she had made.

That evening when Sebastian returned home, he and Gwyneth got dressed, Gwyneth wore the best dress she had brought along, a white suit with an hat.

They went to Church, along with Sebastian's companions and he spoke privately to the Priest, he told him they needed to get married urgently because he was going to fight in Cork; he and Gwyneth gave him their documents, he asked them: "What about your families?", Sebastian replied that their families did not live in Dublin.

So the ceremony was celebrated; Sebastian had bought two silver rings as wedding rings.

Afterward they returned to the building and retired in their room.

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