Shameless •Enemies to Lovers•

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Shameless- Camila Cabello

Enemies to lovers
Fake dating turns into a passionate romance


"The masquerade?" I questioned

"Yeah, are you going?" C/n asked me. He was originally my guy best friend but I started realizing my feeling for him late last year. But I rather put up a facade instead of ruining whatever we have right now.

"Isn't in a couple months?" "It's in three weeks."

"Oh. Probably but I'm most likely going with our friend group." I shrugged. "But why are you asking? Are you trying to ask me to be your date?" I somewhat joked.

"Pff maybe" he went along with it. I looked down the hallway to see e/n leaning again the locker on his phone. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk straight to our next class. It wasn't until we almost walked past him that he...

"Sorry give me a minute." E/n hung up his phone call "Y/n, why the hell did you tell Mr.Clark I said that? Do you know what I fucking went through because of you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I kept walking to my and c/n's class

"God he needs to stop getting on your nerves and then getting mad when you do something about it" c/n exclaimed

"Honestly" I crossed my arms


"Y/n don't you like c/n?" My female best friend, bsf/n asked. Her question caught me off guard.

"What?" We were in gym class watching the guys voluntarily play basketball

"You like c/n right?" She smiled

"I mean I guess but I'm okay with what we are right now," I claimed

"Yeah sure, because we all know how you don't stare off into space daydreaming about your hypothetical love life." She teased

"Shut up"I got embarrassed "but really though I'm okay with what we are at the moment"

"How about you pretend to date someone to make him jealous." She recommended

"Get who jealous?" E/n walked over. 'Oh my god. Someone, please kill me.' I thought ashamed. 'Just imagine the blackmail he can do with this information. I just want to curl up in a ball and-'

"Yeah sure I think it be fun" e/n agreed to something with a stupid sly smile before leaving to go back to the game

"That's great!" Bsf/n cheered "Isn't that great y/n I got e/n to be your pretend boyfriend at the masquerade party."

"You did what?" I had an irritated look on my face before sighing. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to come off as rude." 'someone please save me'

"Hey, what were you guys talking about?" C/n came over. 'Oh my savior'

"Nothing just how y/n doesn't have a dress for the masquerade." Bsf/n lied

"Oh well I can take you dress shopping," c/n said

"Thank but I'm good" 'I would die if you were with me' "I'll find something on my own time"

"Hey y/n" e/n came back over when the teacher called quits for the rest of the class "Stay after 7th period today we need to talk" His shirt was practically sticking to his skin due to the sweat, same with c/n but I was trying to not stare so much.

"Whatever" I replied. He stared at me before leaving

"What's up his ass now?" C/n watches e/n walk to the guy's locker room.

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