Hello again (me)

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Ok let's get real so enjoy ☺️

•pure vanilla pov•

I can't believe five little cookies helped me defeat dark enchantress cookie and freed me, I am real grateful for their gratitude I wish i could help them with whatever they need but I'll have to go looking to ask them, and I way to busy trying to put the vanilla kingdom back in it's beautiful state again so I guess I'll just have to wait until their next arrival. *knock knock* i heard knocking at my chamber door, (hmm, I wonder who that can be!) I open the door to see my good friend Hollyberry cookie queen of the hollyberry kingdom "Hollyberry cookie it's so good to see you :)" I said with a smile on my face and stepping away from the door so she could get in "pure vanilla cookie my friend how are today on this good morning!" She said coming in and giving me a very tight hug, giving me one of her very famous laughs than sitting down on my couch I had in my room by the window and coffee table. "Hood on hollyberry let me go but on some tea for us" I said while walking to my chamber door to go put some tea on, as I got to the kitchen and put the tea on the stove I saw a few cookies running around and having so much fun which brought my heart so much joy, once I was done putting the tea on I walked away put before going back to my chamber where hollyberry was waiting for me to come back I asked one of the maid if they could bring the tea to my chamber once it was done and she said yes. As I was walking back to my chamber I heard something or maybe saw something or someone in my library reading something so I crack the door a lil more than it was already and saw custard the third which was weird I thought he had left with his friend but it was whatever. I opened the door to greet him but as soon as I opened the door he threw the book which was also weird I wonder what he was reading or looking at "uhhhh..." he said as he turned around to see me with a confused face "DAD! What are you doing here!" He said which made me even more confused "huh! What are YOU doing here? I thought you left with gingerbrave and wizard cookie and the others?!" I said wondering if that was custard I saw leaving with the or not "well I did but I saw auntie hollyberry coming here and I wanted to say hi but I got distracted by the book I kinda threw" he said going to go get the book he threw at the vase that was in there and was in the book way "oh custard" I said going to hug him and help him put the book back and clean up the broken vase but before putting the book back I say a picture of a lil cookie so I opened the book to see a little dark choco cookie which made my heart absolutely fluttered yo see such a cutie pie of a cookie I smile at the picture and than took it out to put in a picture frame "hey dad?" Custard said while brushing his clothes off "hm?" I said as I look at him with my eyes open "is that cookie dark choco cookie?" He said while grabbing the bookie from me and putting back on the table he fought it on. "Yes it is dark choco cookie!... say how do you know it's dark choco cookie?" I asked curious of how he knew him "oh me and gingerbrave beat him a duel! Hehe!" Custard said  as he was walking to the door waiting for me "hmm... well let's just forget about that and go have some tea! Well for you milk and sweets!" I said walking over to the door and opening it so we can walk back to my chamber where hollyberry was probably wondering when I come back.

{Hollyberry pov}

Hmmm... I wonder when pure vanilla cookie is coming back I'm getting kinda thirsty for some berry juice and some tea, as I sit there in the quiet room I heard running down the halls and yelling the "STOP RIGHT THERE!" Which was very loud and concerned me very much, so I got up and checked just to see some vanilla guards running towards...DARK CHOCO COOKIE?!. I was stunned I practically froze in place for a few minutes before grabbing my shield to go stop them and see what dark choco cookie was doing here, as I ran after them I heard screaming but not in terror but of joy, I look at the window by the painting of white lily and her white lilies to see three cookies laughing and pointing at something or someone I decided to ignore them and get back to what I was doing chasing the guards and dark choco. "HOLLYBERRY COOKIE GET BACK HERE!" I heard a cookie voice, a familiar voice so I turned around to see wild berry cookie running towards me with a mad face, (hmm...cute) I saw him stopping and standing in front of me "hello wildberry cookie!" I said smiling at him "Hollyberry cookie I will catch dark choco for you so you can go back to pure vanilla and do what you came to do." He said with his very stern voice as usual which made me lil annoyed but also made me determined to go catch that old grumpy man boy "sorry wildberry but this is a job for a real woman!" I said as I patted his shoulder, which I'm not judge but I'm pretty sure he took offense and was annoyed "1. I am a real man, 2. Just because you are a ancient doesn't mean I won't protect you and make sure you don't get in trouble, and 3. You are not talking to him, he won't listen just like you because you already left and I have been talking to myself..." .... So I left SO WHAT it's not gonna hurt his feelings and plus this is for the great or good so he'll understand hopefully, hmmm I wonder where's pure vanilla cookie surely he heard his guards running and yelling. Finally I caught up with them well I guess you can say that was a real workout, anyway "DARK CHOCO COOKIE!" I yelled, making him stop and his tracks "huh?" He said in his very VERY deep voice just like his dad I guess you can say like son like father haha. "Dark choco my boy what are you doing here and what do you have?!" I said walking towards him and giving him a hug and than grabbing his cheeks like a very disappointed mother "I got nothing. I just wanted to see pure vanilla cookie and give him something... so do you know where he is?" He said as i let him go "no I do not" I said standing up straight again. Speaking of the devil pure vanilla arrive "hello you two sorry I took up long hollyberry cookie and hello dark choco cookie did your dad send you here?" He said handing me a cup of tea which if I may say was delicious heh

•pure vanilla pov•

As I was walking back to my chamber with custard talking about random things until I heard the vanilla guards run after a cookie which made me concerned and sacred for custard "custard go to my chamber and lock up the door and the windows and block both ok?" I said bending down to custard size looking at him with a serious face which got to him that I was kidding around, he nodded and ran to my room while I ran on the same path as the guards until I heard which made me look out my window were was right by my picture of lily and her white lilies but when I look I soon realized that it wasn't screams of terror but of joy, i saw three cookies laughing and pointing at another cookie who was covered in butter cream, it made me giggle but that I got back to doing what I was doing and ignored them they were all just playing, all four of them were just screaming and laughing which could make anyone think there bullying some cookie but there not which was very kind and good. As I was running very close to the guards, I was stopped by a maid who wanted some help so decided to catch whoever the cookie was and help the maid with her duties. Once we were done she had told me that dark cacao cookie king of the cacao kingdom had sent a letter here saying that he was to busy to bring it to me personally so he sent someone here to bring me a gift he bought and wrapped up which was very sweet of him, I smile and thanked her and went to go find out who the mystery cookie is

An: sorry I bent busy and my phone got took but I'm back and hopefully the book is to with that being said I hope you have a good day/night/afternoon bye!! :}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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