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Computer: Recognized: Artemis-B-07."

Artemis Arrives from the Zeta teleportation device to the heroes gathering around a new joining.

Green arrow: Artemis. Just in time. Look who's agreed to join the team.

Wally side steps to show Red Arrow, who eyes Artemis.

Wally side steps to show Red Arrow, who eyes Artemis

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Wally: Finally

Artemis: "Sure. Team has needed a real archer."

Green arrow: "Okay, Team, listen up. "The Batman" and Robin are on a case in Gotham, but Batman gave me a heads-up. Sportsmaster was spotted coming through Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport.

 Sportsmaster was spotted coming through Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport

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Zatanna: "In full costume? Nervy.

Green arrow: "In street clothes. Facial recognition software picked up the ID. It's up to us to Find out what he's up to."

Sasuke: All of us ?

Conner: "Seems like overkill for a shadow job."

Red tornado: "Perhaps a small squad. Miss Martian camouflage abilities seem ideal.

Arrow: Thought the sidekicks... Sorry, ex-sidekicks. Could suit-up on this. Sasuke, Kid flash, Aqualad and Red arrow

Conner: Good stake outs make me crazy

M'gann: We could use the night off.

Artemis: "I want in. With M'gann and Robin out, no one has logged more hours piloting the bio-ship."

Arrow: Artemis, you sure ?

Artemis: Absolutely

Bio ship

Kid flash and Artemis are in the bioship on there way to New Orleans's. There's silence in the ship until Wally speaks up

 There's silence in the ship until Wally speaks up

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