Chapter 8

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"So, what's your name?" asked Peony to the kit.

"Lavender," she replied. "I suppose you know why."

"Is it your eyes?" asked Peony.


"I think it fits you," said Redfire.

"Will you guys please stop acting like were on some exciting jaunt," said Lightwing irritated. "Were being hunted."

"What's nipping at his tail?" mumbled Lavender.

"Who knows," said Silverbird rolling his amber eyes. 

"It's just that," began Lightwing. "Well, I'm now being hunted by my leader who could do horrible things to me. Shadow is not one to mess with. We may think we lost her, but we'll meet her again."

"Thanks for the advice," said Lavender. "And will someone please tell me where we are going."Redfire stopped in his tracks and looked around. Night had fallen, and everything was pitch black. The group had been walking around without any source of direction. A cold breeze blew through, ruffling Redfire's fur, making him shiver.

"Brr," said Lavender. It sure is g... g... getting cold."

"We should find a place to rest," suggested Peony. "It's getting pretty cold out here, and my leg is beginning to hurt."Redfire nodded in agreement and looked around. The grass was too dry to rest in, and even if it was lush, it was too cold out. The trees had no holes for them to get in. Branches shook vigorously as the blast of wind blew through. 

"I don't think we shouldn't be around the trees," said Lavender. "Some could break from the blast of the wind."

"Well then, where should we go," asked Peony.

"I don't...," began Redfire. "Hey, where's Lightwing?"
The former Loner had disappeared. Redfire strained to listen for his voice. Nothing. Where did he go?

"Lightwing," called Lavender. "Where are you?"

"Not so loud, Lavender," said Silverbird, hurrying over to the kit. "There could be Loners out here."Lavender nodded and ducked underneath Silverbird, crouching. Peony stood behind Redfire. Redfire could hear her breathing rapidly. His gaze moved all around, but all he could see was shadows and faint glimpses of trees, bushes, and grass. Wind blew through again, howling. Paw steps! Redfire bared his teeth. Intruders, he thought, no, there's only one. If there was more, they would be attacking by now. Closer and closer they came. Lavender crouched even lower, shutting her eyes. Redfire unsheathed his claws. He was going to fight this intruder. His neck fur bristled, but it instantly went flat again when the creature came out. Lightwing! The former Loner bounded over to Redfire and cast a suspicious glance at the others.

"What's going on?" he asked. "You guys look like you just saw a ghost."

"Ghost," shrieked Lavender. "Where?"

"There's no ghost, Lavender," said Peony softly. "Lightwing was being sarcastic."

"Where have you been?" growled Silverbird.

"Looking for a place to spend the night," snapped Lightwing. "And I found one."

"Take us there," said Redfire. "Peony needs to rest her leg."

"This way," said Lightwing, padding away.

Redfire started to follow but was stopped by Silverbird.
"We don't know if he's leading us into a trap or not," he said. "He could be leading us back to Shadow."

"No way," replied Redfire crossed. "Lightwing hates Shadow just as much as we do. We heard him talk about how scared he is about being hunted by her. I can't believe you would think of an absurd thing like that."

"Sorry, I like to be cautious," mumbled Silverbird. 
Redfire rolled his eyes. He couldn't blame Silverbird for being cautious, but Lightwing seemed like he could be trusted. Redfire glanced at Peony, who looked worn and tired. She needs to rest, he thought. It's too much for her to take on her injured leg. He gave her a lick on the ear and nuzzled her."Come on," he whispered softly. "Let's follow Lightwing and find a place to rest."Peony nodded and limped forward. Redfire stood by her side in case she stumbled or fell. Lavender rose up and padded on the other side of Peony, watching her anxiously. Silverbird muttered something inaudible and then followed the others. The grass felt dry from scorching heat, and trees' leaves looked dry and dead. The chill breeze came blowing through whistling in the grass. Owls hooted in the distance, and crickets chirped. Lavender dropped into a crouch as a toad came hopping from the bushes. Slowly, she crept on it, eyeing it carefully. Redfire, Peony, and Silverbird stopped in their tracks and watched her amusingly. The toad hopped again but seemed to take no notice of Lavender. Finally, Lavender leaped up and used the mousing maneuver to catch her prey. The fox would leap up and come back down with their paws out to crush their prey. Lavender landed seemingly close to the toad, but it had escaped her kill by inches and fearfully hopped away. 

"Aw man," said Lavender, stamping her right forepaw in disappointment. "I nearly had him."

Silverbird came forward and licked her small head. "Maybe next time." he said.Lavender nodded and returned back to Peony's side as they resumed walking again. Redfire stopped in his tracks. Silence. Lightwing had disappeared... again. Trees cast dark shadows on the ground, shaking vigorously as the wind blew through. The moon casts an eerie glow on the forest floor.

"We lost him again," said Lavender. "What do we do now?"
Redfire was too afraid to reply. Had Lightwing really abandoned them?  Was I wrong about him, he thought, was he leading us into a trap? Lightning flashed across the sky, showing a dark figure in the trees. Lavender let out a scream and dove underneath Redfire. The figure padded out of the trees and approached the group.

"Lightwing," breathed Lavender.

"Goodness gracious, Lightwing," said Peony, annoyed. "Why do you keep scaring everybody?"

"Sorry," shrugged Lightwing. "I didn't know Lavender was going to let out a shrill scream."Lavender rolled her eyes and padded out from under Redfire.

"Where's the resting place?" asked Redfire.

"Right here," said Lightwing, jerking his muzzle at abandoned earth. "We can sleep inside."

Redfire nodded, and Peony limped forward to the earth that was nestled in between two trees. She disappeared inside with Lavender right behind her. Silverbird shouldered his way past Redfire and went in. Redfire locked eyes with Lightwing before he padded in. It was very warm inside. Redfire let out an exhale of relief. Peony had laid down to rest, and Lavender curled up on her left side. Redfire settled down by her right side, as Lightwing padded in. Silverbird laid down next to Lavender as the young vixen drifted off to sleep. Peony turned to Lavender and licked her black and white head."Sleep well, little one," she said.Peony turned to Redfire and licked his ear."I'm so glad we didn't have to spend the night outside," she said, "It was too cold."Redfire nodded in agreement and then turned over to look at Lightwing, who had settled on the other side of the earth. Silverbird let out a small growl and then closed his eyes. Lightwing rolled his eyes and curled up."Can we trust him?" asked Peony.Redfire shrugged and laid his head on his paws. Can we trust him?

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