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Norway: Now, Iceland! I want you to look at this pocket watch! *holds a pocket watch*

Iceland: Fine.... -,-

Norway: Look deep in this moving pocket watch.....


Norway: Deeper!

Iceland: .........

Norway: Deeper!


Norway: *claps*

Iceland: *is hypnotized* What can I do for you, Master?

Norway: Dance like a monkey!

Iceland: *dances like a monkey*

Norway: HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! Now sing out of tune!!!

Iceland: *sings horribly*

Norway: Now call me big brother!!!!

Iceland: Ok! Big Br-

Shadow: *kills a fly with his hands* Finally!!

Iceland: *is now not hypnotized* Wait! I'll never call you that Norway!!!

Norway: *chases Shadow angrily*

Shadow: *runs as fast as he could* what did I do??!?!

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