From Rivals in the match to lovers later-Ona Batlle

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Y/N has a crush on Ona but you think that nobody knows it but your teammate and best friend Leila Ouahabi figured it out after the first few weeks that you are at the club after you played for Real Madrid.You are best friends with Leila since 2 years when you got your first call up for the national team and you and she shared your room since then.Ona and you are also good friends and you know her longer than Leila because you always shared the same room on camp when you were still playing for the U16-U19 national team.

Y/N Pov:

Today is the Day.I'm going to play my first Derby for Manchester City and I'm so exited.I had troubles sleeping because I never played against Man United in my time at Madrid or my crush Ona.Nobody knows about my crush on Ona at least I hope so.Maybe some teammates have figured it out but I hope not.I have a crush on Ona since a long time probably when I met her at my first camp with the national team.I just fell in love with her eyes and smile.But suddenly I'm taken out of my trance when my alarm clock rings and signals that I should get up.I slowly make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready.The game is at 3:30pm so I still have some time to kill since it's only 7:30 am.It's a home game so everyone is staying at their own house.I also have a housemate and guess who.My best friend Leila is my housemate.

After I brushed my teeth and got ready I make my way downstairs to go to the kitchen and prepare some breakfast since Leila is still sleeping.I made some protein pancakes and after a while I hear some footsteps coming from the stairs."Heyy Good Morning.I hope you slept good and are ready for the game or should I rather say meeting Ona again"Leila says with a smirk on her face while she sits herself down on a kitchen stool.I turn around from the pan and just stare blankly into her eyes."H..How do you know about Ona?"I ask after a while trying to sound confident but I already stuttered making it sound more like an insecure question than a confident one.Leila just chuckles and says"Y/N you really think I haven't noticed how you always look at Ona's Posts or at camp when you two are always together and how you are behaving around her?I know you too well my friend and you know I think Ona likes you too because she always texts me and asks how you are doing and if you're okay."Wow I didn't expect that but I ask myself how obvious I was so that Leila figured it out because I think I did a pretty good job on hiding it but what it look like not."Do you think she knows?"I ask probably sounding a bit stressed because I don't want her to find it out."No I don't think so I'm the only one who realised"Leila says sounding confident."Okay thank you and to come back to your original question,yeah I'm ready for the game a bit exited because it's my first derby but ready"I answer but I know that I'm really exited because I also hadn't seen Ona since the Last two camps because for the last one I was out injured."Are you exited for the match or for meeting Ona again?"Leila asks with a slight smirk."Leilaaa could you please stop bringing Ona into this and yeah probably both"I say and my voice sound really annoyed which I am."Okay,okay I will stop but you know that I will try to get you two together you know"Leila says and I frown."I know but can we go back to eating the pancakes please"I say and without another discussion we sit in peace and eat our pancakes.

It's now 1pm and we're meeting at 1:30 pm at the training facilities so we can drive to the stadium with the bus.I already packed all my stuff so I wait downstairs for Leila.After 5 minutes she comes down with her backpack in her hand and we make our way to the car.After a 20 Minute drive we arrive at the training facilities.To my surprise we're one of the first in the bus even tho we were pretty late because we arrived at 1:28 pm but we were early so better early than late.After everyone sat down in their seats we drove to the stadium and we played in the Etihad today.When I walked out of the bus I saw the United girls getting out of their bus too and that's when I saw her and my eyes and hers met and she shot me a quick cute smile like she always does and continues waking.I still looked after her only when Leila waved her hand infront of my eyes and dragged me into our changing room I focused again.Everyone got changed pretty quick for the warm up and then Gareth told us the starting 11 and yes I was starting even tho I didn't expect it for my first derby but I was happy.We went out onto the pitch and warmed us up.During the warm up I noticed Ona staring at me quite a few times and to be honest that made me even more nervous.When we finished everyone changed into their match kits.

We're now standing in the tunnel and then I feel eyes burning into my neck and when I turn around I see Ona and I shot her a quick smile and she smiled back but I turned around again and focused.

It's now kick of and man United start the game.

I get the first goal for City in the 16th minute after a wonderful cross from Lauren Hemp.I dribbled between two defenders and one of the two happens to be Ona.After I passed them I only had Mary Earps infront of me and a did. some step overs and Mary dived to the right side but I shot to the left.

Man United still got a goal before half time and now it's 1:1.

After the whistle for half time.Everyone headed inside.We discussed some tactics and other important stuff.

The second half begins and Man United are definitely pressuring us but we manage to control it for 15 minutes but then Ella Toone got the ball in our midfield and started the attack against uns which lead to a goal from them.

Only Minutes later I'm dribbling forward and do a double pass between Chloe and me so I have the ball in my feet again but that's when I feel a sharp pain in my knee.I just scream because it hurts so much.

Leila is by my side while we wait for the doctors or at least I think so.I don't really focus on anything anymore only the pain which spreads through my left knee.When I look up I see Ona's face and she's holding my hand which I didn't realise.She shots me a small sad smile.

After a while I got stretched off the pitch and was brought into hospital.

I wake up after a while and I'm laying in my hospital bed but when I try to sit myself up I feel a weight on top of my chest and when I look down I see Ona laying there and I can do nothing but smile when I see her.

I squeeze Ona's hand and she slowly wakes up and when she realises that she was laying on my chest she apologises."Omg I'm so sorry Y/N.I didn't hurt you did I?"I look at her and grab her hand and say"Ona everything is fine apart from my knee but what should I do about it.You didn't hurt me so it's fine just don't worry about it but I have a question.Who won and who tackled me?"Ona looks at me with sorrowful eyes and answers quickly"We won and Millie Turner tackled you."I look at her and grab her face and tell her"Ona you don't need to be sad for me I know you're hurt when I'm hurt but I know that I will have your complete Support throughout this Injury okay? I'm disappointed that we lost but it's okay and injurys happen even though this one was unnecessary and a bad timed tackle but it happened and we can't do anything about it anymore."Ona just looks at me and stares into my eyes.She slowly leans forward and when our lips met I feel a spark.Her lips are so soft and wow I kiss her back and after some seconds we pull apart again and just look at each others with the biggest smile on our faces."Y/N you are one of the strongest people I know but I don't know how you can be so positive right after the injury.I would cry the whole time but you are so different and strong and that's what I love about you."I just smile and give her a quick kiss."Ona I love you and I do that for a long time already but I always thought you wouldn't like me back so I never said anything but I think now we both know how we feel."Ona smiles at me and asks"Y/N I love you too.Would you like to be my girlfriend?I know it's a bit soon but we already know each other for a long time and we're way past the meeting stage."I look at her and give her a kiss and nod my head and Ona just smiles and holds my hand.

After the doctor came in and told me that I have torn my ACL I cried into Ona's shoulder but she reassured me and told me that we will get through this together.After the doctor went outside a panicking Leila walked into the room.

"Y/N are you okay?What did the doctor say?"Leila asked in a rush because she's very quick breathing and it looks like she run here."He said that I have torn my ACL.Apart from that I'm okay but with my girlfriend Ona I will get through it."Leila looks at me like she saw a ghost and she asks"Wait did I hear that right Girlfriend?"I smile and look and Ona and say"Yeah Ona is my girlfriend."Leila just jumps up and down and says"Yes omg I'm so happy for you but how long are you out for?"I just look down and frown a bit"I don't really know the doctor said that I will need surgery and from then on 9-12 months probably."Leila just hugs me and says that we will get through this together.

So guys this was my first one shot.In hope you liked it and it wasn't to long hopefully and I don't really know if it made sense and some parts because I wrote 3/4 at 2 am so don't be mad at me.If you have tips on how I could improve I would be happy and listen to them because I'm still new to writing.

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