Missed me?-Deyna Castellanos

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Y/N and Deyna are both Venezuelan and have a crush on each other.Y/N is moving from Atlético Madrid to City but Deyna doesn't know about it.

Y/N pov:
I'm sitting in the plane right now on my way to Manchester to sign my contract for City.

After I got off the plane and took a taxi to the training centre I walked into the reception area and saw a nice women behind the counter and she asked me where I need to go."I'm the new signing my name is Y/N Y/L/N and I need to get to Gareth Taylor's office."I answered and she just nodded her head and said"follow me please Y/N."

After a while of walking through the training centre the women brought me to Gareth's office and I knocked and walked in.I saw Gareth sitting in his chair and a photographer who is most likely taking the pictures to make my deal official.Gareth and I talked the contract through and I have a 3 year deal.The photographer has taken a photo of me while I was signing the contract and one when I held the Shirt in my hands.Gareth then said " so Y/N you're not allowed to train today but I can show you around the training centre already and if you want you can come and watch the training later."I smiled and nodded at him.

After he showed me around the training facility we made our way outside to the pitch where the girls were training today.When he talked everyone through the plans for todays training he said"So guys as you all know we have a new signing and some of you may know her so here she is.This is Y/N Y/L/N and please welcome her like we do with everyone."The whole team starred at me and that's when I saw a person running to me and jumping in my arms and guess what it's Deyna.I have known her for quite some time now because we play for the same national team and we both have played for Atlètico Madrid."What the hell are you doing here Y/N?"Deyna asked me nearly screaming in my ears."I'm your new winger and I thought a change might do me good so here I am."I replied with a smile on my face.Deyna just looked at me shocked and hugged me even tighter if that was even possible.

After a week of training I finally was going to play my first match for City.We play on a Sunday at home against Reading.

I woke up and did my typical morning routine and then went to the academy stadium.

When I walked inside the changing room and saw my shirt with my number on the back I just couldn't believe it and just started at it until I felt two hands squeezing my shoulders.When I turned around I saw Deyna smiling at me and she said"It's amazing isn't it?I think you will do great later"I looked at her and said"Yeah it really is amazing I still can't really believe it tbh but I don't know if I will play so don't get my hopes to high."She shook her head and grinned lightly."Trust me Gareth will give you some minutes even if it's only 10 but I know that you will play today maybe not from the beginning but your definitely getting subbed on.He couldn't just leave a star player like you on the bench,could he?"I smiled at her and hugged her"Thanks Deyna for pushing me to trust myself I just don't have such a big confidence in myself because of things that some people have said to me"She just held me and after a while we broke apart and we changed into our warm up clothes.

*Time skip*
I just got subbed on in the 60th minute and I can't really believe it I'm playing my first match for city after a week or so at the club.When I got subbed on,Ellie had the Ball and after everything was sorted out she played a long ball for our front line and then they passed to the side to me because no one was marking me.I dribbled a little further towards their goal and then I saw Deyna running to the second post so I crossed the ball to her and she scored.I was on the field for like 5 minutes and already got an assist.

After I got passed the ball through a gap and I was 1vs1 against the goalkeeper and I did some tricks to get her out of balance and it worked.She went to the right side and then I shot to the left and I just stand there completely frozen because I just scored and got an assist in my first match for City.

The rest of the match was mostly boring because we couldn't get another attack but we always had possession of the ball so it made everyone a bit frustrated but we were already 4:0 infront so it wouldn't change anything if we scored again.When the final whistle went I saw Deyna running to me and hugging me.She nearly threw me off the ground.Gareth had hold his little speech and he'd congratulated me on my goal and assist.

Deyna and me made our way around the stadium to thank the fans and we gave some autographs and took some photos.After our round we both made our way inside and before I could walk into the changing room Deyna pushed me into a cleaning room or something else I don't really know in which room I am.
Before I could do anything else I felt Deynas lips collide on mine and after 2-3 seconds in kissed her back.When we pulled apart we just smiled at each other like idiots."Wow i didn't expect that you would kiss me back but apparently I'm not the only one who feels like that"Deyna said still smiling at me like an idiot."I guess your not wrong with that"I say with a slight smirk on my face.She pulls me in again and kisses me.

After a couple of seconds we both decided that we should go back to the others so it wouldn't get to suspicious when we were both away for so long.

What an ending to a perfect debut I think to myself.


I'm so so sorry that I didn't upload in so long but I had so many things going on last week and I barley had time to write anything so it took a bit to long and I'm really sorry.I still hope that you liked this one shot and please give me some ideas so I can write about the ones you want to write about.

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