Chapter 2

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(Tyler's POV)

''Have a seat Mr Scott, let me check your schedule.'' - Mr Dixon started searching through the many papers he had in front of him.

I couldn't stop thinking about Cally. I felt bad that we had stopped talking for all these years especially that I hadn't even told her that I was coming back. I was planning that I would phone her today after school but I didn't knew that she's also in this school.

Nothing had changed in her. She was always late for school and if it weren't for me before she would never have gone to school. She would have slept the whole day.

Although she did changed a little. Right I haven't seen her in 3 years so I didn't expected her not to change. She's grown. Her short dark blond hair is now long past her back. She's taller than before, but her smile and smell is still the same. I can't wait to see her again.

''Ahh here it is. Right you're to go to room 14. You have literature right now. I'll accompany you'' - Mr Dixon said as he rose from his chair.

We walked through many corridors that I felt lost. We arrived at a glass door and as we entered many faces turned towards me, and there at the back I saw Cally smiling widely at me.

''So this is a new student here, Tyler Scott, make him feel at home'' - and with that Mr Dixon went away.

The teacher turned to me ''Tyler Scott right?''

''Yeah'' - I mumbled

''Ok Tyler have a seat, I'm Mrs Green'' - and she pointed to an empty seat at the back of the class near Cally.


(Cally's POV)

Everyone was stunned and girls started nudging each other. Others were too shocked to say a word or even move. He was definitely hot.

I examined the boy that there was with the principle. Tall, light brown hair that in the sun would look almost blond. Deep blue eyes that you would never get bored watching them. He was wearing a faded blue jeans and a blue top that filled his body, not hanging limply like of the other boys. He definitely goes to gym or else he plays something. While he was here he hated sports, but his father plays soccer so probably he started playing it too. Then he looked at me and his eyes shone as he smiled sweetly at me. My best friend was certainly a hotty.

Everyone kept his eyes on him. Girls staring dreamily at him and boys were frowning at him. He was a competitor to them.

Tyler moved to a seat near me. Only 5 minutes were left for the bell to ring.

As it rang I started packing my books while Lindsy, the school hotty and cheerleader captain went rushing to Tyler's desk. Right. How can I forget her! She always want to shine in other people's eyes and now that Tyler is here she's going to make sure to go out with him. And she would succeed. Who wouldn't want to go out with her?

''Hey Tyler'' - she said as she flicked her fake blond hair ''I'm Lindsey Adams. So you're new here right? I was thinking maybe you want to join me and my friends for lunch?''

Tyler smiled at her. He was always friendly with everyone. He looked at me and saw me staring at them. ''Hey Lindsey, nice to meet you'' - he said as he shook his hands with her. ''Thanks for your kind offer but I would like to spend some time with my best friend if you don't mind''

I was stunned. We were still best friends!!

Tyler turned to me and smiled sweetly. He took out his hands to me and as I touched his hand, a spark went through me.

''We go Cally?'' - he asked me.

Lindsey stood there. Astonished. Nobody and never has turned her down. She shoot me an angry look and then turned round, out from the class.

We walked to the school ground hand in hand. I had friends but at lunch times I was still lonely. The friends I had were those kind Of friends that you talk to them in class but you won't actually spend time with them out of class.

I took him to a tree where I spend my lunch time. We still haven't said a word from when we went out of class. Finally he turned to me and looked me into my eyes.

''I've missed you Cal'' - he said.

''I missed you too'' - I mumbled.

I still couldn't believe that I'm talking to my best friend again!

''I guess I have to explain to you why I'm back right?'' - he said to me.

''Yes please. I'm still confused - I said.

''Right. I start'' - and he began telling me what happened these last 3 years that he was away.

Appearantly his father had found another women and now he has a daughter. Tyler didn't get on with this new women and so he decided to come back here and live with his mum. He just arrived yesterday.

''I meant to call you but I was too busy being angry with my dad for letting another women in his life and now a daughter! I decided 2 days ago that I should come back. I was going to call you today after school but I didn't new you came here too. I thought you were going to Pep marts down the road!''

''I never wanted to go there Ty! You know that! And if you thought that I went there how come you didn't try to get to that college then?'' - I asked

''I tried! But it was full so I had to apply here'' - he said

I looked at him smiling. ''Are we back friends?'' - I asked him

''Friends? What makes you think that I want to be friends again?'' - he said with a serious look on his face

I stood there. I didn't knew what to do! I was shocked. I just wanted to go home and cry! How could he say that me? Then I saw the look on his face. He was trying hard not to laugh.

''I don't want to be friends Cal. I have millions of those from where I came, the only thing I don't have is a best friend!'' - he smiled '' Want to be best friends again Cal?''

''OF COURSE!!!!'' - I shouted

''Then come here besty'' - he said laughing

He lifted me up and started running with me all around the ground. I started screaming and yelling at him to let me down. When he finally let me down he came on top of me and started tickling me.

Everyone was staring at us as if we were mad. I don't care. I'm with my best friend again! My hot best friend!

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