chapter 4

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"Peyton" Dad yells as we enter the house

"Daddy" a little girl run towards dad jumping in his arms

"Ellie?" I ask with tears rolling down my cheek

"Yeah" dad says and gives me a sad smile.

"Hey babe" Peyton starts before her eyes land on mine "oh my god, ari?"

"Hi peyton"

She rushes to me grabbing my face between her hands "oh my god I can't believe its you." She cries then notices charlie "ari?"

"This is charlie, can you look her over please? She's never seen a doctor."

"Ofcourse let go get you both taken care of." She nods fast grabbing my free hand taking me to her office. "I'm so happy you're home sweetheart" Peyton says still crying.

"Me too"

"Can I see her please?" She asks holding her arms out towards charlie. With a nod I hand her over. " how old Is she?"

" I don't know peyton. We were held in a basement there werent windows or any indication of a new day. Random food came at random times. So it's not like I could count breakfast lunch and dinner."

"Thats okay. She looks about one. Is she walking?" She asks me as she lays charlie who is still sleeping down on a blanket that's in her desk.

"Yeah, she talks a little too."

"Thats good ari." She gives me a small smile. After a few more minute of Peyton looking over charlie she turns to me "as far as I can see everything's fine we'll get her into a pediatrician for a full work up in the morning okay?"

"Are you sure it's safe?"

"Yes sweetheart, your dad will make sure of it. We're not going to let anything happen to either of you."

"Does the name Marcus or Sam ring a bell?"

Peyton goes still then turns toward me keeping a hand in charlie to make she she doesn't roll over "why?"

"Marcus is the name of the man that took me, Sam he's the one who helped me escape. When I was taken Marcus said something about dad killing his son."

"Fuck" she sighs "Marcus is Elis biological grandfather. Elis sperm Donner kidnapped me and he paid the price for that. Sam was Taylor's brother. They were totally different Sam was always into school smart didn't want to be a criminal like the rest of his family. I'm sorry ari. I'm sorry this happened to you. Have you told your dad yet?"

I shake my head. "I wanted to get charlie checked out first thing. Seb drove me I told him Marcus and Sam's names so I'm sure he told dad."

"Seb was there?"

I nod my head "He's different now"

"I think we all are sweetheart." She says sadly "I'm going to take charlie to your dad then I'll check you over if that's okay?"

I nod and wait for her to return. When she comes back in a couple minutes later she tell me that dad has charlie and that locklynn and Eli went to pick her up some stuff.

After peyton has looked over all of my injuries I ask the question that has been on my mind since I saw seb. "Did he move on?"

"Who sweetheart?"

"Seb, he didn't wait for me did he?"

"Ari, I think this is something that you and him need to talk about." She sighs

"Just tell me, peyton please."

"Ari they spent months doing nothing but search for you. They had no idea where you were taken. No one thought you were coming back. I dont think seb has been in a relationship since you."

"But there's been other woman" she gives me a nod "I have no right to be upset. I know that. I have a whole baby after all. But I didn't choose to sleep with those men peyton. I sat there in that basement praying dad or seb would find me."

"I'm sorry ari, I'm so sorry "

"It's fine." I shake my head "are we done?"

"Yeah, your room is just the way you left it."

"Thanks" I say before leaving her behind to go ger my baby girl.

"Hey princess" my dad says when I walk in the room.

"Hi dad. Im going to take her and head up to my room"

"Ari, can we talk about what happened?" He asks me

"Not today dad. I can't today " I'm holding back the tears that are begging to escape from my eyes.

"Okay, I fed charlie dinner. I can keep her for awhile longer if you want"

"No that's okay I'll take her with me."

"Ari, were here for you okay? We're here for both of you. I know I fucked up okay? I shouldn't have given up hope. I shouldn't have stopped the search. I'm so sorry princess."

"It's fine dad, I get it everyone thought I was dead. Everyone just moved on with their lives while I was living in hell for a decision you made. Elis grand father and all his buddies raped me, beat me, humiliated me. Charlie is only alive by the grace of God. I was alone when I had her sam showed up I don't know how much later and cut the cord amd cleaned her up. Then I was left with a baby in a basement. I didn't know how to be a mom I was still a kid myself."

"Ari" dad sighs "I'm sorry"

"I get it okay you're sorry. I'm sorry doesn't erase the pain dad. I'm fucking mad okay? I'm mad you didn't get to the school in time, I'm so fucking mad that man took me for something I had no part in. I'm so fucking mad I was so close and no one found me. I'm mad you and everyone else gave up on me. Im mad everyone moved on and left me in the past. Okay? I'm fucking mad." I yell. "I love my daughter more than anything but I'm mad about how she's here. I'm mad I don't know who her dad is, I don't ever want to know which one of those sick bastered share her DNA, but I'm mad for the lies I'll have to tell her when she's older and asks about her dad."

I feel the tears streaming down my face "mommy?" My little girl asks reaching for me from my dad's arms.

"Come in babygirl." I take her from him.

"I'm just mad okay? I just need some time" I whisper looking into my dad tear filled eyes. "I love you dad"

"I love you too princess." 

When I turn to leave the room I met with shocked faces of Eli and locklynn. "Umm I set up some stuff in your room for charlie" locklynn tells me

"Thanks" I say before leaving them all standing there.

I hung on to hope while I was held captive, hope that my family never gave up, hope that my sebby would have never given up, I hoped and prayed in there that's what kept me going on the days I just wanted it all to end. Now that I'm home and know the truth I don't know where that leaves me.

Peyton was telling the truth when she said no one had touched my room aside from the fresh towels, toiletries, and baby stuff, everythibg else is the same.

I grab some clothes for charlie and take her into the ensuit for her first real bath. After she was dressed i grabbed the pack and play and pulled it by the enetrance if the bathroom and set her in with a couple of toys "mommy's going to take a shower babygirl. You play I'll be right here."

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