chapter 29

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Marcus died that night, a very slow and painful death. I tore him apart piece by piece, right there in that basement. Daisy begged the entire time for me to let her go, that wasn't going to happen. Everyone who had a part in what happened to ari is at her mercy. If it was up to me she would have suffered the same fate as the men. I don't believe in violence against woman, but I will do anything in this world to protect my family.

Meadow has been moved into knights place for a week now. Her and stephan still hangout everyday, they ride to school together, and they are both happy. Probably the first they have ever been truly happy and I'm so honored to have had a part in that.

The amount of times knight has thanked me for bringing his daughter into his life is well over a hundred. I tell him the same thing everytime "it was fate." I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. There's a reason I was a homeless twelve year old, so I could be brought to the club to meet my soul mate. There's a reason she was taken, it gave us charlie. There's a reason stephan found his paperwork after he was beaten, it saved him and meadow, it brought them home where they belong.

It's been a month now since ari got her revenge, she nor prez has told me exactly what happened in that basement. The fact that it gave her closure is enough for me. She sees her therapist once a week now, she started college. My girl  with everything she has witnessed and been through herself has decided she wants to be a social worker. She wants to help kids like the system failed to do for her, stephan, meadow, me, and so many others.

Ari is the best woman I know. She's my best friend, the love of my life, my twin flame. Sitting here watching her push our daughter on a swing in her dad's back yard makes my heart skip a beat. My beautiful girls own my heart.

"Hey seb," prez says taking a seat next to me on the back deck.

"Hey prez." I reply moving my eyes to him. I take a deep breath before speaking. "I want to ask her to marry me." I tell him.

"Are you asking my permission?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

I shake my head, "no, not really. I'm going to marry that girl no matter what, but I would like your blessing."

He's quiet for a moment examining me. "You have it son. Ari and charlie love you. I know you will make them happy and keep them safe. You're an amazing dad to my granddaughter, and a great partner to my little girl. There's no one else I'd rather have for a son-in-law."

I clear my throat of emotion before speaking. "Thank you, that means allot. They are my world, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to be good enough for them."

"I'm proud of you seb. You have come a long way from that little asshole kid I found in the alley."

"Thanks to you, prez. You are the closet thing I have ever had to a real father. I'll never be able to repay you for everything you did for me, and for trusting me with ari and charlie."

We're interrupted by my little girl, "daddy!" She yells throwing herself at me.

"Hi, princess, daddy missed you today. Did you have a good day with mommy and grandma?"

"Yes!" She beams at me. "My birthdays in three days daddy." She's says excitedly. The fact is we really don't know when Charlie's birthday is, so we gave her one.

"I know, my sweet girl. Did you get everything ready today?"

"Yeah, we went shopping."

"Where's grandpa's hugs princess?" Prez asks her holding his arms out for her when. She jumps off my lap to run to him. Ari stood infront of me with a small smile on her face.

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