chapter 2

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stoick pov

Most ot the village was in the great hall as chiet Stoick set up a meeting for them to get of all dragons.
"Either we finish them or they'll finish us! It's the only way we'll be rid of them. If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave. They'll find another home!" Stoick said as he pulled out his dagger and stabbed it on a map that he was looking at. "One more search before the ice sets in." Stoick said.
"Those ships never come back." A villager said.
"We're Vikings. It's a occupational hazard. Now who's with me?!" Stoick said but the villagers didn't want to because of the danger that they'll put themselves into. "All right. Those who stay will look after hiccup." Stoick said, after he said those words everyone put their hands up not wanting to deal with boy at all.
"Aye. That's more like it." Stoick said.
When the meeting ends everyone went home to pack for the boats. Stoick walks up to Gobber who was sitting down drinking. "Right. I'll pack my undies." Gobber said. "No, I'll need you to stay and train some new recruits." Stoick said to his long time friend.
"Perfect. And, while I'm busy, hiccup can cover the stall. Molten steel, razor-sharp blades, lots of time to himself. What could possibly go wrong?" Gobber said sarcastically. "What am I going to do with him, Gobber?" Stoick asked. "Put him in training with the others." Gobber said. "No, I'm serious." Stoick said.
"So am I." Gobber said.
"He'd be killed before the first dragon is out of its cage." Stoick said. "You don't know that." Gobber said. "I do, actually." Stoick said. "No, you don't." Gobber argued. "No, I do." Stoick argued back.
"Listen, you know what he's like. From the time he could crawl, he's been... Different. He doesn't listen like y/n does. He has the attention span of a sparrow while Y/n listens carefully of what I'm saying or what I want him to do. I take him fishing and he goes hunting for trolls!" Stoick said. "Trolls exist. They steal your socks. But only the left ones. What's with that?" Gobber asked himself as he was trying to get his rock tooth from his mug and put it back in his mouth where it was. "When I was a boy my father told me to bang my head against a rock and I did it. I thought it was crazy, but I didn't question him. And you know what happened?" Stoick asked Gobber.
"You got a headache." Gobber said sarcastically.
"That rock split in two. It taught me what a Viking could do, Gobber. He could crush mountains, level forests, tame seas! Even as a boy, I knew what I was, what I had to become. Hiccup is not that boy but Y/n is as he will be next to be chief and very soon will be married to Astrid." Stoick said.
Gobber looked at Stoick. "You can't stop him, Stick.
You can only prepare him. I know it seems hopeless, but you won't always be around to protect him. He's going to get out there again. He's probably out there now with Y/n." Gobber said. Stoick had a long look about what to do with his youngest son and then he finally agreed on dragon training "but y/n will help you my boy is one of the strongest vikings if anyone can whip them youngsters into shape it him" stoick smiled cause y/n is secretly his favourite child and he knows his son will be the strongest and best chief to exist

hiccup pov
hiccup was drawing a map but scribbled it out
"the gods hate me some people manage to lose their knives or mug not me i manged to be a entire dragon grrr why i cant i be as good as big brother"

he smacked a branch but it came back and hit him in the face hiccup saw that the tree was smashed and went to go investigate it hoping that he would find his dragon that when he saw a black beast and instantly ducked down scared he pulled out his knife and hid behind the rock seeing the dragon trapped in a rope looking dead

"Oh, wow. I did it. Oh, I did it! This fixes everything! Yes! I have brought down this mighty beast" hiccup said

Hiccup steps on the seemingly dead dragon's face but it is still alive and shoves him away

"Whoa!" hiccup said

"I'm going to kill you, dragon. I'm gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father and brother I'm a Viking. I am a VIKING!"

He hesitates, looking at the dragon's frightened eyes. The Night Fury, while visibly scared, makes no sound and lays still. Hiccup, unable to kill the defenseless creature, finally gives in just as hiccup was about to untie the dragon but than a bigger night fury that had spikes and had purple on it came and untie the little night fury and they both roared at hiccup and about to attack him when someone yells at them

"MIDNIGHT STOP" they said hiccup looked at saw his brother

And both the night furys flew away

hiccup whimpers and faints hen gets up and says "you have a lot of explaining to do y/n"

"I know and I will tell you but let's get you home first"

we walked home before anyone got suspicious


When we got in the house we see dad by the fire pit I just casually walked up the stairs and sat down on the steps as hiccup tried to sneak passed him which did not work. "Hiccup." Dad said. "Dad, Uh I have to talk to you to dad." Hiccup said as he climbed back down the stairs.

"I need to speak to you too, son." Dad said. Then they both talked at the same time. "I don't want to fight dragons/ it's time you learn to fight dragons. What?" They both said while I stood back in amusement. "Uh, you go first." Dad said. "No, you go first." Hiccup said. "All right. You get your wish. Dragon training, you start in the morning." Dad said, making me chuckle knowing after today hiccup wanted nothing to do to killing dragons. "Oh, man, I should have gone first. Cause I was thinking, you know, we have a surplus of dragon-fighting Vikings, but do we have enough bread-making Vikings or small-home-repair Vikings?" Hiccup said.

I looked at my younger brother in amusement of how he tries to get dad to change his mind. "You'll need this." Dad said as he handed hiccup an axe that was bigger than him. "I don't want to fight dragons." Hiccup said making dad chuckle. "Come in. Yes, you do." Dad said. "Rephrase. Dad, I can't kill dragons." Hiccup said. "But you will kill dragons." Dad said, still not hearing hiccup out. "No, I'm really very extra-sure that I won't." Hiccup said. "It's time hiccup." Dad said. "Can you not hear me?" Hiccup said. "This is serious, son. When you carry this axe, you carry all of us with you. Which means you walk like us, you talk like us, you think like us. No more of . . . This." Dad said as he gestured to hiccup.

"You just gestured to all of me." Hiccup said as he rolled his eyes. "Deal?" Dad asked. "This conversation is very one-sided." Hiccup said. "Deal?" Dad said sternly, making hiccup sigh. "Deal." Hiccup said. Then dad turned his face to me

"son when i get back i wanna talk about your future as chief cause your be taking over soon so i when i get back where gonna talk and about your marriage with Astrid cause soon you and her will get married" he said smiling

"alright dad" i smiled

he smiled

"Good. Train hard. I'll be back. Probably, make sure your brother doesn't get eaten while training" he said

you nodded and your dad and you looked at hiccup and smiled

"oi hiccup i know you shot down  the dragon i believe you but just try and do the training ir can make you into a better Viking" you smiled

"Ok y/n but you gotta explain why you called that night fury midnight is it your pet" hiccup asked

You took a deep breath "no he is not my pet I found him protecting the other night fury so I knew they were brothers and that needed each other so I left them alone but I gained a little friendship with the big one which I named midnight but he is still a wild dragon so I don't fully trust him and he dosen't fully trust me aswell

how to train your dragon x hiccup older brotherWhere stories live. Discover now